"The pain of others hurts me as if it were my own. I feel too much." - An empath
"A woman is like a tea bag - you only find out how strong she is when she finds herself in hot water." - Eleanor Roosevelt
What's coming to theaters in the coming months? Massive, innovative and so far the most ambitious action "blockbuster" of the fantastic Christopher Nolan, the sequel to the hit Wonder Woman and, of course, the one and only James Bond!
The annual Kinodvor na Kongresni trg 2020 will be a tribute to important historical anniversaries. The free event will take place from August 11 to 13, when cult films will be shown. What will we be able to see?
"Only when the last tree dies, when the last river is poisoned and the last fish is caught, will we realize that we cannot eat money." - Native American proverb
What are the best movies of 2020, the movies that impressed us the most? We will constantly update the list.
"We are all one. People are connected to each other by invisible forces." - Nikola Tesla
Even pregnant women can be fashionable, and how fashionable. Here are some of the coolest "outfits" for pregnant women from Instagram that can be your inspiration!
Rainy days are perfect for a good movie. One that we immerse ourselves in and never stop thinking about. Here is a list of 8 unusual movies that will brighten up even a rainy day.
"Avoid the goat from before, the horse from behind, and the evil man from all sides." - Russian proverb
The world is built on truth and always requires balance.
She always has a million things on her mind.