From this July, the Škofjeloški LUFt is no longer just an art festival, but has become an art&food market, which has welcomed Castle Hospitality under its wing.
The short film making marathon MUVIT/6x60 challenges creative filmmakers to an unforgettable adventure that will delight the most creative with a nice cash prize. Sign up too!
In 2012, one of the year's funniest comedies about two youthful-looking undercover cops was enthusiastically received by audiences around the world. After making it through high school, cops Schmidt (played by Jonah Hill) and Jenka (played by Channing Tatum) face big changes this time as they have to attend a local college. Certainly, 22 Jump Street: College Boy, directed by Brett Ratner, is a fun comedy full of laughs for light summer days.
Art with the help of light and shadows probably developed already when the caveman discovered fire. Today, Japanese artists Megumi Kajiwara and Tatuhiko Nijima are reviving this art for us in their interactive picture book Motion Silhouette.
Summer like that! There is no end in sight to the April weather, but we can use the day to lie on the balcony and listen to new music.
Sebastian Magnani is an artist who decided to unite owners and their feline pets into one. Let's take a look at an interesting collection that proves that owners and their pets are really alike.
Combine sport, entertainment and retro style and you will feel what will happen on Sunday, August 24, 2014 in Kranj, when Rolka, a competition with skateboards and longboards, will take place.
The works of conceptual abstract painter Piet Mondrian have become part of pop culture.
Imagination is a wild beast, unhappy if we keep it caged for fear of going wild. She needs a living space that knows no boundaries and is not limited to familiar perceptions, because only then will she be able to achieve something as extraordinary as John Wilhelm, a passionate digital artist and photographer who turned family photos into fairy-tale images.
The holidays have already started well, so it's time to think about choosing a suitable vacation spot. Or even better – a music festival. That's why we will give away Itak prizes to all those drawn who will participate in the prize draw, i.e. those summer gadgets without which we can't imagine summer.
They are coming back after twenty years. The Endless River, as Pink Floyd named their new album, should be released in October this year.
Summer love usually ends with the end of vacation/vacation when everyone goes back to their own reality. The memories of it are mostly positive, because we tasted only the best part of it, the one without the bitter additives that time mixes into it. And if most of these loves are like pop music fads, the same can't be said for Tylorina, who stays with her as the eternal '80s tunes that drive this musical.