In addition to a long acting career, Meryl Streep has been married for more than 40 years, in which she gave birth to and raised 4 children, and she also often cites her family as the foundation of her life.
Kino Šiška, together with ten organizers of musical events, announces a series of fourteen interactive webcasts of concerts from the stage of the big hall of Kino Šiška. Between May 5 and June 16, the concert broadcasts will be broadcast every Tuesday and Friday at 9:00 p.m. (with the exception of the semi-final evenings of the Špil League), and it will be possible to follow and co-create them via Zoom, the YouTube channel and the Facebook page of Kina Šiška.
Check out the hot domestic and foreign podcasts, which will surely chase away boredom and have a lot of fun with them!
Milk is classified as one of the basic food groups in the human diet. It is usually encountered in the first year of life and most people enjoy it throughout their lives. The daily use of milk and milk products in Slovenia is also related to the fact that Slovenian farmers ensure 130% self-sufficiency, which means that there is enough milk in our country.
You are not a person who would be ready to do everything for that "little attention"! That's why you are very careful who you let into your life and you don't like to rush into rash decisions.
On Friday, May 1, 2020, the vigil will be held in cooperation with the programs of Radio Slovenia and Television Slovenia, where they will play orchestral music. From their windows, balconies and courtyards, musicians and musicians will also join the recording, who will make sure that the music will be heard far and wide.
A former paramedic fulfills the death wishes of sick people and takes them on their last earthly journey!
Charles Bukowski is one of the most famous writers of the last century, and his quotes are among the most used around the world! You will find out why below.
No more sipping warm wine, beer or gin because you forgot to put the drink in the fridge or you just brought it from the store. That's why this trick is worth its weight in gold!
Scientists believe that these 10 novels can increase your intelligence!
Conspiracy theories about the coronavirus have literally exploded on the Internet these days - be it 5G technology, a virus created in a mysterious laboratory, Bill Gates, who allegedly created the virus himself... So there is no shortage of alternative truths! What is true? Who knows! In the light of this happening, we have searched for you the most "out-of-the-box" conspiracy theories of all time, which some people believe without a shadow of a doubt!
Every day is something special, just because you live it. Trust your reflection in the mirror.