FIVE Olive Oil is not only unique in taste, but also in packaging.
Have you ever dreamed of sitting in a hot jacuzzi on top of a London landmark and watching your favorite movie? Me neither.
The British singer Dido will release a collection of greatest hits at the end of November.
From now on, the employee in charge of the morning coffee will be able to deliver it to our table with a legomobile with a lego cup on it.
On Thursday, November 21, the Museum of Architecture and Design will open the exhibition, which brings the first extensive overview of the architectural creativity of the 19th century in Slovenia so far.
A different view of men's wardrobe was revealed by the Italian designer Fabio Novembre, who created a display installation for Tommy Hilfiger in the most famous Italian department store La Rinascente...
If the planned venture succeeds, Amelia Rose Earhart will become the youngest woman to fly around the world in a single-engine plane in June.
The second part of the youth hit Gremo mi po swoe 2 also takes place on a camping trip in Posočje. If in the first part they were surprised by a group of girls who settled in the neighboring camp, this time they are broken from the established scout life by a family of Styrian scouts led by Chiefs.
For all new and all old fans of Daft Punk, who took the world music charts by storm again this summer, there is a collectible Delux Box set.
''I'm Ben. This is Jerry. And this is ice cream.'' Who would have predicted an ice cream empire to them then?
Where you usually go in ski clothes and boots, in a fleece and a hat, this time we will go for a romantic dinner. In haste.
The premiere of The Whisperer of Hamelin combines fairy-tale opposites and faith in the magical power of music.