The dance scene, or its open version, is a traditional event that, with the support of the Public Fund for Cultural Activities, brings together young people, especially local creators of movement. This summer we can expect some interesting productions, led by Mladi plesni upi. On the evening of June 27, he will create seven miniatures, or 25 young people...
Co, Cofe or Cofestival is a merger of three contemporary dance festivals. What we followed in previous years as Modul-dance, Action or Pleskavica, this time we will be a festival of coexistence. ...
Competitive, recreational, nightlife and, of course, relaxing. Trkaj will liven up the Saturday evening with his new album Vse je OK, where he composed lyrics from Slovenian urban...
The traditional event of the Radgon Mountains brings together the youngest, athletes and lovers of fun and, of course, good wines and sparkling wines. 100 bottles of sparkling wine, which have matured at the bottom of the river for a year, will be ceremonially raised from the Mura...
A summer dose of spectacles, bonfires, movement shows, acrobatics in the air... The circus and playful summer mood will visit almost every city in Slovenia, even with this year's campaign "Welcome...
The colorful and fiery evening offers us a wide spectrum of Tribal Fusion dance, which will introduce us to the dancers through the prism of modern and traditional music. A mixture of aesthetics, emotionality, vitality...
The first festival of analog photography from cute Lomo "boxes" is supported not only by those who like to play with unpredictable elements such as light, color contrast and even location or composition. It was also supported by the Lomographic Society International, and will be attended by many foreign...
Images from the subway are a condensed overview of an endless amount of images of New York, which were "frozen" on posters by designers from the NY School of Visual Arts. The visual and graphic excesses of creatives are also a journey through...
Janez Uršič is the owner and head chef of Pri mountaininské orlu inn. A vital man of the early sixties, a descendant of Bistrica wild hunters, he and his family are successfully continuing the tradition of their parents and grandparents in their home inn.
The traditional one-day social and cultural event KROMBERŠKI PUNT will be held this year for the sixth time in a row.