Janez Uršič is the owner and head chef of Pri mountaininské orlu inn. A vital man of the early sixties, a descendant of Bistrica wild hunters, he and his family are successfully continuing the tradition of their parents and grandparents in their home inn.
The traditional one-day social and cultural event KROMBERŠKI PUNT will be held this year for the sixth time in a row.
On June 29, an evening called "Screw you guys, it's SUMMER TIME!" is expected in Maribor's Gustaf. Summer has begun, and the school year is almost over. Before the holidays, which we are all impatiently waiting for, an evening of fun, good music and socializing is expected in Maribor. Trash Candy and...
The year is around and it's back to the hot summer party season under the twinkling stars. At the same time, our el padrinho circled around the biggest and hottest star of our solar system...
Concert at the end of the school year Saturday, June 22, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. at the MCC A traditional concert featuring young artists working under the auspices of the Vocal BK studio and many guests. Bassless is a group of five members from different parts of Slovenia, which since November 2011 ..
Obeta se nam koncert pod milim nebom, kjer bomo plesali in uživali v norih ritmih. V sklopu Sonice se bodo na odru zvrstili odlični glasbeniki, ki nam bodo s pomočjo glasbe in vizualij pričarali nepozabano plesno doživetje. Nastopil bo londosnki dvojec, ki nas je s svojo glasbo že navdušil. Vračata se Plaid. ...
We will be able to witness the twenty-first iteration of the cult classic, Piše se yearo. The event, which left an indelible mark on the Styrian capital, will be held in honor of Smiljan Kržet, the father of this iconic event. Smiljan was a producer and event organizer who, during his two decades of activity on the music scene, set...
The renovated Branibor club is located in the center of the princely town of Celje. The oldest bar in the city once represented the eastern gate to the city and once housed a horse station, a bowling alley, a wine cellar and a hotel under its roof. It was also a gathering place for military conscripts, conscripts and...
If we want authentic, home-made food, our solution is to visit the Repnik Inn. The family inn, which is now run by the third generation, is located in the vicinity of Kamnik. They swear by freshly prepared food according to their grandmothers' recipes. They mostly try to buy ingredients, vegetables, meat from the surrounding...