

The Novo Mesto Days of Documentary Photography is not just one of the events... Every year the program proves that it is worth going to the Krka for just under a week. This year, the artistic director Klavdij Sluban, who chose Alienation as the theme of the 13th festival, will convince us. There will also be an additional workshop for fans of...

Important information
Lokal Patriot and other locations, various locations, Novo mesto
Facebook event
Entrance fee

The Novomeški Days of Documentary Photography is not just one of the events... Every year the program proves that it is worth going to the Krka for just under a week. This year, the artistic director Klavdij Sluban, who chose Alienation as the theme of the 13th festival, will convince us. There will also be an additional workshop for fans of old photographic techniques. This time, Miša Keskenovič will hold a cyanotype workshop.

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