The capital is richer for another culinary gem. An Indian-Nepalese restaurant has opened, which will provide for the gastronomic diversity of Ljubljana. Excellent food, a pleasant atmosphere, friendly staff and a rich selection of dishes are reasons to go on a culinary journey. Chefs, all from India and Nepal who…
The great British group Keane is coming to the capital. The group was formed in the second half of the nineties, when Tim Rice - Oxley led the band Lotus Eaters. They started their musical journey by playing songs by U2, Oasis and The Beatles. ...
From the cultural melting pot of Berlin comes the interesting band Schneeweiss&Rosebrot. The band members come from Switzerland, Germany, Sweden and Luxembourg. A youthful jazz groove with singing pop melodies is created by a female-male quartet consisting of singer Lucia Cadotsch, pianist Johanna Borchert, Petter Eldh on...
Sharam Tayebi je z grammyjem nagrajeni house DJ in producent, ki predstavlja nepogrešljivo polovico uspešnega dua Deep Dish. V juliju je izdal svojo najnovejšo kompilacijo Night & Day, ki nam jo bo predstavil tudi v Izoli. Za ogrevanje pa bodo poskrbeli Eelke Kleijna, Mike Vale ter Eddy the ...
Dear! We inform you that the Kocke club - will organize the 09th KockeFest - autumn 2012 - a LEGO workshop and an exhibition of LEGO creations. The event will also last two days this time, on Saturday...
In a new adventure, the quick-tempered Gauls, Asterix and Obelix, travel to Great Britain, which is besieged by Caesar's army. Only the village of Asterix's cousin Anticlimax resists the constant attacks of the Roman legions. Two brave warriors decide to cross the English Channel to help fight Julius Caesar and…
Zgodba se odvija v letu 2011, pet let potem, ko je Katie umorila svojega fanta, svojo sestro in njenega moža ter vzela njunega otroka Hunterja in ga poimenovala Robbie. Nov dom pa prinese nova dogajanja v njunem življenju in okolici. Alice in njena mama postaneta novi sosedi nenavadnega para. Kmalu tudi sami začneta doživljati ...
Znameniti vohun se s svojim širokim spektrom izkušenj in veščin vrača na velika platna. V novi avanturi skrivnega agenta 007 je na preizkušnji Bondova lojalnost do vodje vohunov M. James se znajde v novi smrtni nevarnosti, ko skuša v Istanbulu zaščititi skrivne podatke britanske ...
Beca je novinka na univerzi Barden, ki se pridruži dekliški pevski skupini The Bellas. Nevsakdanja skupina zahrbtnih lepotičk, prijaznih deklic in čudaških punc družita dober glas in odlična harmonija, ko zapojejo skupaj. V svetu skrajno tekmovalnih univerzitetnih vokalnih skupin skušajo svojo iztrgati iz ...
The story of the film is set in the near future. Loopers are time assassins and work for a criminal organization in the distant future. Their superiors send the targets into the past, and the assassins must kill them there and discreetly dispose of the bodies. The target thus disappears from the future, and the killers get rid of the corpse, which...
You are invited... Who and what: Marko Petrič, Burma - yesterday, today, and what about tomorrow?Read More