More and more tourists are choosing to spend their holidays more actively, so they are embarking on nautical tourism with yachts and sailboats. A well-equipped marina is the basis for a comfortable leisure time, and since we don't have time to cook a good meal every day on our barge, in addition to all the comforts, Marina Portorož also offers us...
Urban spot
Na poljanah, v prav nič panonskem okolju, najdemo prvo pravo prekmursko restavracijo v prestolnici. tradicionalni pečat ji dajejo prijeten ambient z nežno obarvanimi stenami, lončarski in pekovski pripomočki na stenah ter tri sobe z različnim vzdušjem. a tisto pravo prekmursko vzdušje nam pričarajo pristnost ...
O vegetarijanskih restavracijah smo na teh straneh napisali že precej, zato je kar krivično, da še nismo omenili prvega pravega vegetarijanskega hitro prehranjevalnega hrama v ljubljani. holyfood se nahaja na igriški ulici v ljubljani, v "fakultetni" četrti za filozofsko fakulteto. velik pretok lačnih študentov ...
Moderni človek je zadnje čase tako zaposlen, da si preko dneva le stežka vzame čas za spodoben obrok. In tako preživimo dobršen del našega časa ob različnih sendvičih ali drugih hitrih prigrizkih. Še dobro, da se pojavlja vedno več restavracij, ki poskrbijo, da lahko relativno hitro pridemo do okusnega in ...
Bled, cvet slovenskega turizma, ne ponuja le enkratnih razgledov in čudovitega jezera. Slovenski dobrojedci, tuji in domači turisti ter slovenski eminentneži se na Bledu oglasijo predvsem zaradi inovativne restavracije Topolino. Barve zaznamujejo Topolino ne le na stenah, ampak predvsem na krožnikih. Poudarek je na sezonski ...
In Koper, Pomaranča awaits us in the shopping center of the best neighbor. The restaurant is a real revitalization of the monotonous center, because with the dominant orange color and orange playfulness, it invites us to sit down and enjoy a delicious snack or lunch. Orange is the right place to chat with a good...
Tadej and Jure form the core of the restaurant TAJU, which saw the light of day last December. Together with a young and innovative team, they pamper culinary enthusiasts in a unique minimalist ambience, where the play of light and shadows reigns. The restaurant is divided into a lounge, where you can enjoy some...
Bachus Center in Ljubljana is perhaps best known for its evening and nighttime events, but the culinary aspect of this multifunctional space should not be neglected. the restaurant extends over the entire basement of the business premises, and the intimate light is as ordered for dinners for two. a special charm is given to the room by a glass curtain, ...
Rodik is there, away from the highway and the city, as we drive along the old road towards the sea, a little further from Divača and to the left, and a little further. It is difficult to remain indifferent, first of all because of the village itself, and then because of the culinary "perversion" and true Slovenian homeliness. Dear Mrs. Mahorčič...
Originating in France, bistros are a small restaurant that offers a small, simple but very tasty selection of dishes. In the renovated center of the best neighbor in Ljubljana, after the recent renovation, in the neighborhood of the brightest part of the center, next to the huge windows, Bistro Comida, a refuge for tired...
"It's beautiful in the Karst, it's never too early, never too late: everything is always about the right time, in the Karst." On a pleasant hill, from where the view stretches far across the vineyards and orchards, we find the pleasant homestead Škerlj. Home cooking has long since gone beyond the boundaries of simple home-made ostria, because today, in addition to...
Wine, local food and Pohorje. Winning combinations, especially if we find them on a pleasant tourist farm, looking down on us from a sunny hill among the vineyards. From Maribor, we head towards Malečnik, where we turn onto the wine road, which will take us right to the farm. At Bračkovi's, we will be spoiled with food...