From May, the center of Ljubljana is richer for another restaurant, which is sure to please all lovers of exotic cuisine. the da bu da thai restaurant on šubičev cesta surprises with authentic Thai dishes and ingredients that are brought directly from Thailand several times a week. ambience with...
Urban spot
When we want lunch in a homely atmosphere, we can please our hungry stomachs with a visit to the inn and pizzeria nobile in the fields of Ljubljana. the inn, recently renovated, is furnished in the old Tuscan style. on the gently painted walls hang preparations for baking bread and other antique cookware...
The abecedarium restaurant is located on the fish market in the heart of Ljubljana. it is interesting that the restaurant is located in the oldest house in ljubljana, where a trumpeter from Primož also lived, which is why it got its name from the first Slovenian printed book. in the warmer months, we can refresh ourselves in the large garden, where we have...
Hiša kulinarike Jezeršek v Medvodah, ki slovi po pripravi cateringa, je v začetku letošnjega leta odprla še eno gostinsko poslopje, Dvor Jezeršek na Brniku. Ko se peljemo iz Ljubljane proti Brniku, sledimo tabli za vas Cerklje in cesta nas bo pripeljala do Dvora Jezeršek. Veliko, 250 let ...
Atrium can be found in the old town center of Ljubljana. iv. the culinary offer of the restaurant is very diverse, and their speciality and specialty is the preparation of dishes under the stove and oven. it is the oldest and healthiest way of preparing food on the Balkan Peninsula. they prepare lamb, kid, veal and delicious...
Just a few meters from the spa park in Rogaška Slatina, the first vegetarian hotel in Slovenia - Izvir Manzato - was opened two months ago. The food offering at this hotel is very specialized. We will only get meatless meals on the table, of course with an appropriate protein composition. The vegetarian way of eating is in...
Turkish cuisine is known for its specific and rich taste, and the good news is that we can also enjoy its culinary delights and cultural program in our country. in the Yildiz Han restaurant in our capital, Turkish chefs prepare a rich selection of specialties from various Turkish regions. ...
Ko si med vikendom privoščimo izlet na morje, je le še pravi gurmanski užitek tisto, kar manjka do popolnega doživetja. Že od nekdaj po njem slovi gostilna Ribič, ki nam poleg slastnih morskih dobrot ponuja sproščen obrok s prelepim pogledom na Sečoveljske soline v senci sto in več let starih oljk. Tik ...
When the ski slopes are covered with snow and the cable car starts, the winter season begins in Krvavac. This is also the time when restaurants start operating in Krvavac. On the southern slope of Krvavec, just above the forest border, right near the upper station of the cable car, we find the Gospinc plateau, where the Mountain Society from...
We have discovered another elegant corner for socializing with selected food and drinks in a pleasant atmosphere. Restaurant Podvin, located in a quiet oasis between the Julian Alps and Karavanke, next to the regional road between Ljubljana and the Karavanke tunnel, is part of the complex of the former Podvin manor house, built in the 13th century. Ghost ...
Years ago, Velika Planina was a real little skiing paradise, nestled between the mountains and nature. Today, skiing has pretty much died down due to the lack of snow, but it still represents a unique hiking and excursion spot that is massively besieged both in winter and summer. After a strenuous climb up the mountain, be it from the valley or just from...
In Preddvor, in the middle of unspoilt nature, or as the locals say 'in the middle of an oasis of greenery', we can pamper ourselves in the Vila Bella restaurant, which is surrounded by a forest and a large area of carefully manicured lawn and flowers. In a completely peaceful environment, far from the city noise, we can try the delicacies of traditional cuisine, where there is something for everyone...