Everyone has always said that motherhood is a magical journey full of rainbows and butterflies, but these moms have captured the brutal truth of what motherhood really is.
In 1951, 14-year-old James Harrison from Australia woke up after major chest surgery. Doctors removed one of his lungs and hospitalized him for 3 months. During this difficult time, Harrison learned that he survived mainly because of the large amount of transfused blood he received. At that time, he promised to become a blood donor himself. Former Australian law required donors to be over 18, so James had to wait 4 years. And he waited and fulfilled his promise. The Australian Red Cross estimates that James has saved millions of lives through his regular blood donation for as many as 60 years.
These days it's all about the highly-anticipated British royal wedding - fans are already anticipating the fateful day, companies are already creating products and services inspired by the event, and enthusiasts have pushed the boundaries of creativity with this one-piece bathing set that can be fully worn this summer lights shine on the beach.
There are several tests and surveys designed to test your IQ, but this one is undoubtedly the quickest and easiest. Check it out for yourself!
Do you have doubts about which friend you can really trust? Don't worry - you can now select your "real friends" with a simple trick.
If you'd like to tickle your fancy, check out a series of hot illustrations for ultra-naughty couples.
Because of the fear of offending or angering the people around us, we often say YES to them, even though we would prefer to shout NO out loud. In this way, we destroy ourselves, because we do things we don't want to do. If you would like to learn how to say NO without difficulty, these 6 tips will equip you with all the necessary knowledge.
In recent years, tattoos have practically surpassed their limits of popularity - all generations decorate their bodies with them, but if you want to be original and different, here are the best ideas for a tattoo on the back
There is no stronger bond than that between a child and a mother - on Mother's Day, this artist published a series of photographs of mothers and children that he took during his ten years of travels.
The idea that humans are the only sentient beings, apart from animals, has always been embedded in human consciousness. The "Bully a plant" experiment shows that there is clearly nothing different with plants.
The invention of paper as we know it today has brought limitless possibilities for its uses - mankind uses it for various purposes, and this artist creates paper animal models whose grace will amaze you.
Buckingham Palace is one of the most famous residences of all time, but how much do we really know about this English royal palace? We know that Queen Elizabeth II lives there. and that her children and grandchildren grew up in all four wings of the palace. But the beautiful fortress in the center of London hides much more. Here are 10+ facts about Buckingham Palace that you probably didn't know.