Russians are undoubtedly a nation that can always surprise. And the Russian company Private Jet Studio makes you look rich on Instagram. So if you really can't afford a private plane, you can "fake" it without worry.
The old devils teach us that throwing a coin into the fountain will bring us luck and grant us a wish that we quietly whisper to ourselves or form only in our minds. And you know what happens to all those coins that land in the fountains?
Some things you simply cannot afford on a first date because they are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN! Why?
Did you know that Nutella, Porsche, Ikea, Nike, Adidas, Volkswagen, etc. are brand names. Pronounced wrong all your life? Read on to learn how you should actually pronounce them.
Young, up-and-coming, unexpected? Do you want to settle down and get married? A new study by The Institute of Family Studies found that marriage should wait, but not too long. So what is the magic age that scientists think is the right age to get married?
Humans make things as simple as possible. Laziness is the driver of development, whether we admit it or not, and although it is on the black list of human qualities, despite its proverbial idleness, it is responsible for many indispensable inventions or tricks that make it much easier to get through the day. That's why we offer you 17 DIY tips that will make your life easier.
Yes, it sounds quite dramatic and threatening. Well, it actually is. Throughout human history, cities have grown, flourished, while others have impoverished and eventually disappeared. It's obviously no different now, when progress means everything in our part of the Earth and behaves accordingly, but forgets about other corners of the world.
In times of recession, it is necessary to be resourceful and creative in all areas. We present you a simple way to create real makeup art on your face and create an original Halloween mask.
If you are sure that there is a real commitment between you, you can also think of a similar thief. What is a greater sign of affection than to mark your body with a common symbol that will connect you for the rest of your life? Couple tattoos that will make your knees buckle will bring the sparks of playfulness and love back into your relationship.
Being a mom? Something the most beautiful and the hardest at the same time. And French illustrator Nathalie Jomard would certainly agree with that. She created 25 sincere illustrations that show that being a mother is the hardest job in the world. You agree?
Ah, that mysterious female orgasm. Brazilian photographer Marcos Alberti decided to break with the taboos that touch female sexuality and instead celebrate it. In The O Project, he captured women before, during and after orgasm in the photographic lens.
Sweden's Maria Pettersson does the job that almost every man dreams of. At the same time, she looks like she stepped straight out of a man's dream. Is this the most beautiful female pilot in the world?