PepsiCo asked industrial designer Karim Rashid to design premium bottles for Coca Cola's biggest rival, Pepsi, for Milan Design Week. In addition to the aluminum bottles in the signature blue color, Rashid also designed a matching ice storage container, opener and tray.
No one is answering your email? Do you want your e-mails to be opened by (as many) recipients as possible? Here are 7 tips to make your email more responsive so it doesn't go unread and unanswered.
Performing a backflip is not, in principle, a life-threatening activity. Back somersault while jumping over the tables in a smashing formula, right! Watch professional stuntman, gymnast and freestyler Damien Walters' incredible backflip that could cost him his life!
Katherine Dey's cakes are so shockingly realistic they will make your stomach turn. Not that we are not used to the exception of realistic cakes, because confectioners have perfected the art of making cakes to the extreme, but Deyeva goes to another extreme. Namely, he does not work to the detail of manufactured swans, etc.; her motifs are morbid in the extreme, and instead of making us excited and drooling like we're used to, cakes are disgusting and goosebumps. Check out the shockingly realistic cakes that will make your stomach turn! We recommend viewing only to those with a good stomach.
Starting a company and building something from scratch is a strong personal test. For most entrepreneurs, there is actually no separation between business and personal life. Work is life and life is work. We present the journey from company founder to director in three steps.
Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most recognizable people in the world today, but back in 2005, the father of Facebook was more than an unknown face outside of Harvard University. A lot has changed since then (if you don't take into account the set of clothes in his wardrobe, of course; then he didn't wear the famous gray crop top or black hoodie, so he was no more original in his choice than he is today). These days, Mark is no longer holding a beer in his hand (he is an exemplary father), Facebook is no longer just a "student directory" and the Facebook office is no longer so small. And if Facebook's last F8 conference gave us a glimpse into the future of the company, this fascinating interview gives us a glimpse into its past and early beginnings.
People are generally dissatisfied with their appearance, and cosmetic or a beauty industry that promises to bring us closer to perfection. In the age of Photoshop, it's much easier to experiment with your own body, and the website Bright Side has taken advantage of this and embarked on an interesting experiment. She offered people a role in a project in which a designer used Photoshop to remove their "flaws" and create perfect versions of them. What would you change about yourself if you could?
Just when we thought that the northern lights (aurora borealis) couldn't get any more exciting, NASA surprises us with a video of this natural phenomenon, which has published a video showing the characteristic reddish-greenish light that usually illuminates the sky of the North and South Poles , we admire from the air, and in 4K technology. Check out what the Northern Lights look like from space!
Slovenia Lover is a new Slovenian YouTube show in English that promotes Slovenia in a fun way. Zunaj is already the first episode in which Rok Trkaj explains, among other things, where Slovenia is located. Many still do not know this today! Educational and fun. The creative team of Slovenia House is behind the project.
How much does it cost to be a woman? Is it even possible to compare the lives of men and women? In many areas it is difficult to draw fair conclusions. In some places, however, we can conclude in which skin life is easier. Let's say: how much does it cost to be a woman? Is the life of the fairer sex more expensive than the life of men?
Is your boyfriend also two heads taller than you? Then you will still recognize yourself in these situations! Only girls who are in a relationship with tall guys understand these things.
How to get over a breakup if Ikea shared love advice? Every breakup, no matter how friendly, has its consequences. The end of every love story is a kind of defeat. Some take it to heart more, others less. It is often difficult to recover after the end of a relationship and it takes quite a while to start feeling good again. If you want to get over a breakup quickly, listen to Caisa Nilasec's advice in the style of instructions from the furniture giant Ikea.