
From company founder to CEO in three steps

The journey from company founder to CEO in three steps

Starting a company and building something from scratch is a strong personal test. For most entrepreneurs, there is actually no separation between business and personal life. Work is life and life is work. We present the journey from company founder to director in three steps.

Title "Director" it's not something you can easily put on. Rather, it's about how the person with the title communicates with their team and investors. It's here the journey from company founder to CEO in three steps.

Let go and trust your team

At some point, an organization becomes too big for one person. In addition to the director, some other team members must also take over the management. This, of course, is always a big dilemma for founders. So how do you hand over the reins to someone else? Successful CEOs primarily focus on investing in their employees, and not so much on doing the work for them.

Accept responsibility

Lack of responsibility is both seductive and "addictive". As a leader, however, accept responsibility and prove to yourself that you are capable of realizing your ideas. In this way, you will be a clear example to your colleagues in achieving your goals.

"When a master leads, people hardly know he exists." (Lao Tzu)
"When a master leads, people hardly know he exists." (Lao Tzu)

Become a “leader”, not just a “boss”

Too many company founders look at business only from an economic point of view. Especially if they invested a large part of their personal capital in it. At the same time, they do not even realize that management and investment are two completely different things. The latter leads to heavy handed and dictatorial leadership styles whose primary goal is only enrichment. Good leaders focus their attention on the happiness and satisfaction of their employees. Only happy and satisfied employees can bring good results and desired goals.

READ MORE: 44 ways to be more productive

"When a master leads, people are hardly aware that he exists. […] If you don't trust people, you make them untrustworthy. The master does not speak, he acts. When his work is done, people say: Unbelievable, we did all this ourselves!” So said Lao Tzu. How true!

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