In recent days, a group selfie posted on Instagram by 16-year-old Kaylan Mahomes has been circulating online. The photo is special for one reason. In the video, there are not three girls of the same age, but a mother and her twin daughters. Can you guess which one is the mother and which one is her daughter?
Many artists use the human body as a canvas, but none quite like photographer Anna Hell, who creates portraits by drawing faces on people's backs. Then they bend down to create strange potato-headed creatures that are both beautiful and creepy.
Professional skier Nicolas Vuignier attached his iPhone smartphone to the lasso and twirled it over his head like a cowboy lasso while skiing. Using a device he named the Centriphone, he captured stunning 360-degree footage of his ride that will take your breath away.
A zombie is a fictitious creature without a will of its own, either a living creature or a reanimated dead. Zombies originate from voodoo mythology, and they were brought to film fame by George A. Romero's cult film Night of the Living Dead from 1968. At that time, the image of zombies as decaying, clumsy people (or animals) that feed on human flesh, although they appeared as such in literature already in antiquity.
Would you like to have a dog? Then it is wise to know what awaits you beforehand. With a dog, you can say goodbye to your old life. Want to know how much it will change for you? What's better than first hand information, i.e. from a dog owner? One of them is Mai, who has a golden retriever at home. Sam summarized the difference between life with and without a dog in cute illustrations.
Children and animals like to jump and wade through the puddles, and some adults are also extremely impressed by the puddles, as they are a great photographic element for them. One of them is Guido Gutiérrez Ruiz, who took photos with his smartphone with extraordinary reflections in the puddles, which could easily be attributed to an expensive lens.
Your friend will go to the cinema with you. Your best friend will hide under your shirt to save money for the ticket. That's exactly what Bo Johnson and his friend Matthew did, having previously tried many positions to find the perfect one. Of course, we do not advise you to do this, but we cannot prevent it. Perhaps it would be better to dress like this for a carnival than for a movie show. Because you won't be chased out of the house because of this, but out of the cinema.
Is this ancient statue proof that laptops and tablets were already used by the ancient Greeks (Hellenes)? Conspiracy theorists say that the object held by the woman (a tombstone with the motif of a crowned woman and her servant) is too small for a jewelry box, and the woman's eyes are also focused on the center of the lid, which is supposed to add ' 'proof' that it is a portable device. Skeptics, on the other hand, say that it is a waxed tablet that was used for writing in antiquity.
"The eyes of animals speak a powerful and eminent language," said Martin Buber. Animal eyes may appear similar to human eyes, but they are only superficial. Their eyes will be studied in detail in their future issue by the world-renowned popular science magazine National Geographic Magazine, which tried to find out how animals see the world by studying the structure of the eye. In the following, let's take a look at the stunning photos of their eyes, which were not only a mirror of their souls, but a real world for themselves.
Who does not know the almost fake Snickers slogan "You're hungry and completely different", which is accompanied every time by a TV ad with the transformation of people, including many celebrities. We've laughed at Betty White, Joan Collins, Joe Peschi, Mr. Bean, and gremlins, and the last in the series of "victims" of hunger is the actress Marilyn Monroe, who is played by William Dafoe in a hungry state during the filming of the famous scene from the movie Seven Years of Ruin.
Pamela Anderson was the last naked woman in Playboy magazine, and what you are looking at is the March cover of Playboy, which will be the first in history to be completely nude. The October announcement, with which Playboy announced a change in its mission, has therefore come true. The Instagram star graces the cover of the groundbreaking magazine, out next week.
UV tattoos are tattoos that glow under ultraviolet light. They are made from colors that remain UV-active for a long time. This type of ink is also used by Slovenian tattoo artists, so you can also come up with them yourself. Do you want to have a discreet or even invisible thief during the day and a wild one at night? We think we have found a solution.