
Can you guess which one is the mother and which one is the daughter?

Which one is the mother and which one is the daughter?

In recent days, a group selfie posted on Instagram by 16-year-old Kaylan Mahomes has been circulating online. The photo is special for one reason. In the video, there are not three girls of the same age, but a mother and her twin daughters. Can you guess which one is the mother and which one is her daughter?

Group selfie there is nothing special about the car in appearance, but this is only taking into account the fact that we do not know the fact that they are in the photo two generations of girls. One is the mother, and the other two are her daughters. There is one Kaylan Mahomes, a 16-year-old girl who posted this photo on her Instagram profile momtwinandme and the note "Which one is the mother?" crazy web. You guess which one is mom and which one is hers twins? Good luck, because most people are guessing.

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A mother and their twin daughters. But who is who? (spoiler: mom is in the middle)
A mother and their twin daughters. But who is who? (spoiler: mom is in the middle)

Since Kaylan shared a photo of her sister and mom Tina a few days ago, it has taken the internet by storm. According to Kaylan, even those who know them can't tell who their mother is, which is more than obvious he drinks from the fountain of youth. Well, as she says herself, she has water to thank for her youthful appearance, which she tries to drink as much as possible during the day. avoiding stress and focusing on inner beauty, rather than a plastic surgeon like many celebrities. And if you think the photo is misleading, take a look too other recordings, where Tina as well she hides her age perfectly.

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