Freckles. Once they were ashamed of freckles. Women from the upper class hid from the sun's rays (the sun accentuates facial freckles), since before the 20th century freckles were attributed to the lower class. Today the picture is completely different. Freckles are becoming a real fashion hit, and Brock Elbank's photo series #Freckles draws attention to their beauty.
Do you know what kind of pornographic content we searched for the most in 2015? A look at the list of searches on adult websites reveals how perverted our sexual fantasies can be. The most popular porn website has revealed our dirtiest thoughts of 2015.
Playboy's Evolved Mansion Is For Sale! Every man has ever wanted to be in the shoes of Hugh Hefner, the father of Playboy magazine, and walk around his Playboy mansion, which was always full of bunnies. Now you can even own it! But for this you will have to dig deep into your pocket, because a dizzying 200 million dollars must be paid for a property with more than 1,800 square meters and a spicy history! Attention, the price does not include bunnies, but you will have to live with Hefner! The contract has an interesting clause.
Instagram has a new obsession. Hot guys with pussies. The hotdudeswithkittens profile is a sort of logical successor to the trend of hot dudes with dogs, which obsessed users, or especially female users, of Instagram not long ago. Ladies and girls, get your diapers ready.
Sandrine Estrade Boulet is an unusual illustrator who sees the world a little differently than the rest. In one of his more entertaining projects, he combines the streets of Paris with his imagination. She mixes photographs, illustrations and urban art, and her photo manipulations reflect the dimension between dreams and reality.
Man is a creature, an idiot and a genius at the same time, said Umerto Eco. And even the greatest minds of their time were not always right. Although it is difficult for us to admit a mistake, you may not feel so bad from now on, because even some of the greatest geniuses were wrong. Below we present their predictions, which turned out to be completely wrong.
While most people turn to the sky and look for answers in space, we forget that only about 5 percent of the world's oceans have been explored so far, which means that there are at least as many unknowns under the sea surface as there are in space, and that about the creatures there we wander in the dark as well as possible creatures, planets and galaxies far, far away. The Ocean Art Underwater Photo Competition, a photography competition that has been running for the 50th year, shows us a part of this mysterious and barely explored world.
Two time periods, two artistic styles, two stylistic approaches and two media meet in this series of collages by Italian architecture student David Trabucco. In the Confórmi series, he combined two different and seemingly unrelated parts and gave them a new meaning.
Photographer Ben Lamberty took a series of photos imbued with sensuality and love. He began to spontaneously create photos of passionately kissing couples, and then created a whole series from it. His models were couples of all ages and sexual orientations who were not necessarily in a relationship. Take a look at the sensual black and white photos that will make your lips itch.
In fitness, we meet different profiles of people. From attention seekers, biceps and bench types, nudists, trumpeters, "campers", geeks and quasi-personal trainers, junkies, teenagers who spend most of their time taking selfies and bragging about themselves on social networks, to cardio junkies and posers. To help you imagine what we're talking about, watch a parody of the types of people who go to the gym. Laughter guaranteed!
The Mars rover Curiosity has been exploring the red planet for more than three years now. In recent days, it has again sent stunning images to Earth that show us Mars in a completely new light, full of sand dunes. See stunning 'postcards' from Mars.
Here are the results of the WIN/Gallup International Association's annual survey of which citizens in the world are the happiest. So which country was the happiest in 2015 and how did Slovenia fare?