
Imaginative compositions: the intersection of artistic paintings and architecture

Combinations of different parts

Two time periods, two artistic styles, two stylistic approaches and two media meet in this series of collages by Italian architecture student David Trabucco. In the Confórmi series, he combined two different and seemingly unrelated parts and gave them a new meaning.

Davide Trabucco is in the series Conforms took an interesting approach combining works from different time periods, media, styles and contexts. For example, he combined a painting by Andrea Mantegna from the 15th century (1456-1457) and a photograph by Luigi Ghirri from Rotterdam from 1973. More as a joke than for real, he also combined a scene from the fourth part of the space saga Star Wars, Star Wars IV: A New Hope (1997), where Darth Vader's lightsaber matches Dan Flavin's 1971 installation.

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Below you can see many of them lucky combinations or crossings of artistic paintings and architectural/artistic works.

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