A fiery end of the year and an even more fiery beginning of 2016 are ahead of us. Photographer Thomas Knights graciously blessed us with the Red Hot calendar, which will especially appeal to girls who prefer redheads in the flood of men. Don't worry, really sexy redheads will caress the eyes and senses of every lady.
The exclusive Pirelli calendar, known for its glamorous portraits of naked women, has undergone a makeover for its 43rd edition. This time, it includes thirteen influential women from different backgrounds who were photographed by world-renowned photographer Annie Leibovitz for the 2016 Pirelli calendar.
Clothes really do make a person and clothes say a lot about our personality, so what do your underwear say about your personality?
Christmas lovers, you are probably excited about the time when radio stations play Christmas songs and you can listen to your favorite Christmas albums every day at home. Which Christmas carols are your favourites- are you more mellow and 'Holy Night' is your favorite or more lively and 'Jingle Bells' rock you? The song also says a lot about the way you decorate your home.
Are you short on holiday gift ideas? We suggest you go to one of the seven Qlandia shopping centers. In the land of shopping, you're guaranteed to find something for everyone on your gift-giving list.
Conversations about sexuality are an everyday part of young people's lives. However, adolescents do not receive much information about sexual safety. The research, made possible by the company Durex, looked at how young people talk about safe sex and the problems related to this topic.
You don't need a professional photographer to create a great self-portrait. We have collected some simple tips and tricks that will help us get the photo we want, which we can then use for our professional portfolio without any worries. Let's not forget that the self-portrait should be a reflection of us. That's why we let our personality shine through, because that's all that really matters.
Parenting is a learned skill. It is a wonderful mission and it is a way of life. We can never be non-parents again and everything we do is to make our children happy and not feel deprived. But what are the things that our children will remember most about us? What is it that will remind them of us for all eternity, and what parenting habits are most important to children?
Some celebrities like to splurge with their money and indulge in things for amounts that are hard for the common man to imagine. Many of them struggled to get by from month to month before fame and are sometimes not used to being in the position they are in now, surrounded by a mountain of money. And what do they do with it? Are they investing it wisely? Donate it to the less fortunate and to charity? Some of them. More of them spend their green money to buy villas, expensive cars, dresses and the like. Luxury goods are just too tempting and the following celebrities could not resist the temptation. Here are 10 incredibly expensive celebrity purchases of 2015.
Both cats and dogs like to hunt insects and sometimes they get revenge. A bee or wasp sting can be just an inconvenience, or it can be life-threatening. This was not the case in the following cases, although we believe that the cats were not amused. That's why it will be all the more for you.
Helmut Newton's photographs are emblematic monuments that shaped fashion portraiture. These are the photos that have inspired countless photographers, and the photos that have left a lasting impression on everyone who has ever seen them. That's why today we're showing you some of the sexiest photos taken by photographer Helmut Newton, who died in 2004.
We all know crosses and circles. In the era before smartphones, we used this timeless game to pass the time, especially at school. It has become insanely popular because you don't need a pen and a sheet of paper for it (or not yet) and because the rules are clear and simple. And it's relatively easy to always win this game as long as you follow the following guidelines.