Day to Night is a series of photographs by Stephen Wilkes, consisting of shots that compressed all parts of the day into one scene. The American puts his camera in a fixed place in a chosen location and takes over 1,500 photos in 24 hours, from which he finally composes one. The result is scenes of London, New York, Paris, Jerusalem in all shades of the day. The photographs are on display at the Day to Night exhibition in New York and Paris.
Most of the articles remind us what we should achieve, have and experience by the age of 30. The realization that we haven't achieved even half of what we should often lead us to feelings of worthlessness. Instead of worrying about what we should achieve, let's ask ourselves: why? Is it really necessary to follow unwritten rules and worry about what you should do?
You know the saying "love goes through the stomach"? It is probably no coincidence that gourmets are also passionate and devoted in love. Anyone who enjoys the flavors of different dishes also explores the flavors of life. And among them love is the sweetest. Why are food lovers also sensitive lovers and attentive partners?
Bushy mustaches are very popular these days, but mustaches come at a price. They always get dirty while eating food and drink. A problem that fat men know all too well. At the Swedish company Odd Company, they have therefore come up with a solution, or rather, reinvented the temporary mustache guard. One small step for a man, one big step for a mustachioed man! Introducing the Stache Shield, a mustache protector.
A slogan can be a key communication tool between a company and a customer. A slogan can be a hen that lays golden eggs, but it can also be a user. Probably the most evergreen Slovenian advertising slogan is "Slovenia, my country", which was created in the 80s of the last century, or Fructal's "In cooperation with nature", but when we think globally, most of you probably launched "Just do it" by Nike. Check below for other famous slogans of all time that have influenced our lives.
Kamnik was chosen by Boots, a British retailer of body care products and medicines, as one of the locations for its Christmas-themed TV ad. You will recognize him at the very beginning of the spot, which is more fairy-tale than Coca-Cola's Christmas spot.
Cara Delevingne as you don't know her. Check out the latest star-studded trailer for the video game Call of Duty: Black Ops III, which features supermodel Cara Delevingne, who is everywhere you turn these days, in addition to actor Michael B. Jordan and American football player Marshawn Lynch.
Hide and Seek is a photo series that summarizes life in the digital age in one photo. It is a project by photographer Kamil Kotarba, who erased people from scenes from everyday life, leaving only their hand holding a smartphone. With surrealistic scenes, he draws attention to the negative effects that mobile devices have on our lives. Shocking!
Flying has always fascinated man, and with jet packs, this ancient desire has come true. Now the sky is the only limit. Check out what the Jetman Dubai group and Emirates airline have cooked up, as they filmed a (too) cheeky video in which pilots Yves Rossy and Vince Reffet join the Airbus A380 over Dubai. A video that will take your breath away.
Do you know how much the highest paid female musicians earned in 2015? If once supermodels did not want to get out of bed, if they were not promised 10 thousand US dollars a day for their work, today the best-paid female musician earns 2 million US dollars per concert. If you're wondering who they are, Forbes has revealed the list of the highest paid female musicians in 2015, which you can check below...
Did you know that Disney based many of its cartoons on real places, and that places you thought only existed in the fairy-tale world are actually "flesh and blood" places with real names? Here are 18 real-life locations that inspired Disney cartoons.
Sweden's Ikea has turned children's drawings into plush toys. She did this for a good cause, as part of her long-standing charity campaign Soft Toys for Education. With the sale of 10 plush toys, which were created based on children's drawings, together with Unicef they will collect funds for schools, school supplies and education. A great idea as a gift for Christmas, with which you will also do a good job.