
Disney: 18 Real Places That Inspired Disney Cartoons

Real Disney locations

Did you know that Disney based many of its cartoons on real places, and that places you thought only existed in the fairy-tale world are actually "flesh and blood" places with real names? Here are 18 real-life locations that inspired Disney cartoons.

Disney is known for its extraordinary scenes of castles and landscapes, and although we think that most of the places are a figment of the imagination of the creators, they have in fact often turned to real places, locations, castles. Sometimes it's less, sometimes it's more obvious, but in all of them the connection is clear, which is understandable, since most Disney cartoons are based on traditional fairy tales.

READ MORE: Cartoon characters that will make children laugh

Check out 18 places that have been a source of inspiration for the famous scenes that make Disney cartoons so fabulous. A gallery that will make you believe in magic.

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