The best erotic novels - only for naughty girls who are 18+!
You will experience romantic, mysterious love, the kind you find in the arms of books.
Benjamin Franklin once said: "Happiness lies in the small conveniences and pleasures that occur every day, rather than in the moments of great sudden happiness that rarely occur." Finland, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Sweden rank among the happiest countries in the world. With an emphasis on balance and connection, each of these countries has developed its own way of life. Millions of Scandinavians enjoy a healthy work-life balance, high standards of living with less pressure, less stress, while having more time for everything they enjoy and love to do.
In front of you are exceptional books that deal with the topic of sustainability and a better tomorrow for everyone! These are books that will encourage you to start thinking and acting (more) sustainably!
Summer has a beach for reading books, and autumn a cozy home shelter. And these 5 books are perfect for reading in the evenings, when summer is slowly turning into autumn.
Summer is slowly leaving. We leave the beaches, the sea and the swimming pools and return to our reading routine in the shelter of our homes. Autumn is coming, which carries within it something that will prepare us to immerse ourselves in new books.
Bill Gates has been busy with the coronavirus pandemic for the past few months, as he is one of those people who are actively working to find a cure for Covid-19. But that doesn't stop him from spending some of his free time reading. And these are the books he recommends to us. He even says that it is "the best book he has read in recent years"!
Successful individuals are aware that the acquisition of knowledge does not end with the end of their studies. The world is changing rapidly, so knowledge, experience and the way of working are also changing.
Scientists believe that these 10 novels can increase your intelligence!
Let the good books pass your time these days, which you can download for free on these websites.
Infectious diseases, epidemics, pandemics have always fascinated writers and historians. What happens when supernatural forces disrupt the settled and orderly life? What happens when people lose their sense of control? What happens when a man is ruled by an invisible force that turns the whole world upside down?
Some believe that Dean Koontz's 1981 novel The Eyes of Darkness predicted the 2020 coronavirus outbreak.