At the City Cooking Academy in May, together in the Siemens showroom, we learned the aromatic secrets of white and black tubers, which are considered pearls in the culinary world, together with a team of Kaval chefs. Zelena spoiled us with excellent natural products...
Despite the fact that it is often mistakenly classified as a vegetable, the tomato is a fruit. What else can we say? There are said to be around 7,500 different variations of the tomato. Its use is most widespread in Mediterranean, especially Italian cuisine. Tomatoes can be eaten raw or...
Already in ancient Greece and Rome Young leaves of wild chicory were collected already in ancient Greece and Rome, and salads and side dishes were prepared from them. Over time, the plant began to be cultivated and the less bitter plants that we know today as radicchio versions were grown from it. Chicory can be recognized by its long, eventually quite...
Prava izbiraNajpogosteje so nam na voljo v olje vloženi slani inčuni, pasta iz slanih inčunov ali olje slanih inčunov. Če nimamo na voljo slanih inčunov, ali če nam ni ljub njihov močan okus, lahko uporabimo pasto iz inčunov. Pri tem imejmo v mislih, da pasta nima tako močnega okusa, je pa bolj slana in v njej so ...
The holiday season is upon us and many people have neither the time nor the will to prepare goodies. But here is an interesting solution of Dr. Oetker, where they prepared an interesting mixture for the preparation of traditional carnival sweets - carnival donuts and carnival mice.
Goodness from Asia Chickpeas originate from Asia, but today they are mostly grown and used in Turkey, Mexico and India. The fruit of this legume contains one to three seeds, slightly larger than a pea. According to some classifications, chickpeas should be divided into Desi (with smaller, darker seeds and...
The Italian masterpiece Buffalo mozzarella is today produced in many countries of the world: in Switzerland, the United States of America, Australia, Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Egypt... Its country of origin is definitely Italy. Producers can be found from Rome to Salerno, in the area of Foggia, Naples and in the city of...
Elixir is a strong beer developed by Laška brewmasters and contains 16 percent extract in the basic dessert and 7.6 percent alcohol by volume. It is amber, red-brown in color, with a pleasant, gentle, malty smell. It is characterized by a wide range of flavors - from chocolate to fruity to aromatic...
Pine nuts from everywhere The homeland of pine nuts is said to be the Iberian Peninsula; today they are mostly grown in the Mediterranean countries, in Spain and Portugal. It takes at least 15 years before a tree produces cones, but it can bear them for up to 100 years. As a rule, the cones are harvested by hand and left in the sun to...
Food for the brain The kernels of all types of walnuts are edible, rich in various oils, they are eaten raw or in cooked dishes, most often in desserts. Walnut oil is considered a valuable specialty and is used in extremely small quantities, most often to enrich the taste of salads and various dressings. Walnut...
Sweet health Volcanic Nectar is the best-known brand of blue agave sweetener - a sugar substitute, with a low glycemic index and four times sweeter than regular sugar. Agave is mistakenly classified as a cacti by many, but it is a plant from the succulent family that is native to...
At the next culinary treat, we will be able to try, among other things, veal medallion with asparagus and shrimps and peppadew sauce...Peppadew? A few years ago, an entrepreneur and farmer came across an interesting bush near his vacation home in South Africa, which he .. .