The sun has already begun to show its teeth, so it's good to protect your skin from the dangers that lurk - you can hardly expect to get burned, but you can avoid major skin damage by knowing the reasons why sunscreen does not it works.
The world is changing faster than we can (can) adapt. There is nothing wrong with that - apparently, older people are even happier than younger people. What funny but true signs that you're getting old are true for you?
Psychologists claim that this small habit can completely change your life...and also says a lot about your personality.
It's not the quality of the make-up you use, but the way you apply it - make-up artists advise on how to apply make-up correctly to make it last all day.
If you don't already know, May is International Masturbation Month - and while almost everyone does it, masturbation is still a taboo subject in our society. Is it for you too?
Makeup is part of the daily routine of practically every woman, and even if they enjoy it, a day without makeup is a blessing. You know what happens when you stop wearing makeup?
Things you encounter on a daily basis can also lift your mood - the smell of these five things improves your mood.
You might think that a level of beauty can only be achieved with the help of makeup, but some celebrities have proven that natural beauty is sometimes more stunning.
If you think that you shower too often, it would be good to change your habits, because from a health point of view, showering every day is not very beneficial.
Marijuana has a variety of effects on the body - some advocate the idea that it has positive effects in alleviating certain types of pain or symptoms associated with mental illness. Others oppose it because it is said to have negative effects on the human body. What does science say?
The capricious spring weather is not a woman's ally - you leave home as if you just stepped out of the hair salon, you return home like a mouse. When rainy weather defies the laws of beauty, you defy him too with a hairstyle that's perfect even on rainy days.
Did you know that some parts of the body continue to grow as we age, while others shrink? CRAZY.