Winter is not only a time of snowy pleasures and the joy of opening Christmas presents, but also a time of annoying diseases. If you've recently been hit with respiratory infections like the flu and cold, we've got great solutions ready to help you on your way to health.
Choosing the right perfume is not easy. But astrology can help us with this. At one company, they conducted a survey in which they objected to which perfume is best for you according to your sign. Find yours.
Did you know that the average eyebrow has around 250 hairs? This information gives us the answer to the question why women are so obsessed with their perfect shape. Because they have to tidy up so much hair. With these five products and tips on how to use them, you'll be able to do just that. Finally.
Testicular cancer, if detected at an early stage, is completely curable. Although it is one of the most common types of cancer affecting young adult men, many people forget about regular self-examination.
The time of year is approaching when the number on the scale is slightly higher than usual. Yes, we are talking about the Christmas and New Year holidays! That's why it's handy to know when your body burns the most calories...
Autumn is in full swing, we will soon enter the winter season, and everyone knows that this is the period when our nose is often blocked. But you can get rid of this annoying nagging in a very simple way. Here are seven ways that work.
Designers from all over the world have used Photoshop to create photos that show how society in different parts of the world perceives the perfect male body. If you're scolding your loved one for their 'beer belly', stop. In some other country, women would fight for him!
The modern era of fast production brings products to customers in a very short time, but it takes its toll - we eat lower quality products and worry about our long-term health. Learn to recognize what you are eating.
For some, pregnancy seems like a distant island that we may never sail to. But almost every woman is interested in how pregnancy actually goes. Here you can read 10 body changes you didn't know were waiting for you during pregnancy.
Even if you don't know anything about Jennifer Lopez, you might have noticed that she's looked pretty much the same for a decade. From the 90s to today, she managed to maintain smooth skin, a beautiful figure and shiny hair. Genes certainly play a role in this, and of course the fact that the rich actress can afford many treatments. In the article, we reveal 6 secrets of Jennifer Lopez, which help her maintain an enviable and youthful appearance.
Flossing and brushing are the basics of dental hygiene, which contribute to maintaining healthy teeth. However, are you doing it in the right order? Floss and then brush or brush and floss?
The bushy beard is in fashion, worn by many celebrities such as Ben Affleck, Leonardi Di Caprio, Robert Pattison and Jake Gyllenhaal, not to mention the plethora of hipsters. Now watch out! If you love your beard, we suggest you read no further or consider yourself warned. No matter how much you take care of your facial hair, nothing can wash away the dirty truth. According to the latest research, beards may contain the same bacteria found in human feces.