The highlight of December's celebrations and parties is certainly the longest, loudest and craziest night of the year, which undoubtedly deserves to be something special, even when it comes to the chosen wardrobe. In the most kitsch month of the year, we allow ourselves a little more. More glamour, more elegance and more daring. Let this also be an opportunity to...
Rebecca, who is already a real style icon in the world of jewelry, developed her revolutionary style mainly through the use of unconventional materials. The collections thus consist of long-forgotten bronze and stunning combinations with yellow and red gold. The new autumn-winter collections Watamu and Infinity will sprinkle us with crystals, ...
Svetovanje za imidž je pri nas dokajšnja novost, ki ponuja mnogo priložnosti za obetavno kariero. Mnogo ljudi najrazličnejših profilov si namreč želi razviti osebni videz, ki bi naredil vtis, vendar pri tem potrebujejo profesionalno pomoč. Tu nastopijo svetovalci, ki glede na svoje izkušnje in znanje ...
Priljubljena linija oblačil legendarnega italijanskega oblikovalca Giorgia Armanija Armani Collezioni je odslej na voljo tudi v Emporiumu in Galeriji Emporium. Oblačila iz kolekcije so priznana predvsem zaradi kakovosti in najfinejših materialov, ki so ključ znamke in sinonim italijanske mode. V ljubljanskem Emporiumu bodo ...
Svoje nakupovalne razvade bomo odslej lahko razpustili tudi v prvi samostojni trgovini z oblačili Marx, ki jo je Sportina Group dodala na svoj seznam več kot 80 blagovnih znamk. Jesen torej ne bo le v znamenju novih modnih kolekcij, temveč tudi nove ponudbe nakupovalnih lokacij. Marx bo navduševal tako dame kot gospode s ...
Ljubitelji ulične mode in dizajnerskih oblačil so se v multibrand trgovini ZOOO že povsem udomačili. Ta vsakodnevno razkriva nove aktualne trende svetovno znanih znamk, kot so Scotch & Soda, Twin – Set, High, Trickers, MET, Melissa, ASH in druge. Med vročimi jesenskimi kosi so se tako znašli puloverji v ...
Agent Provocateur's new muse is the mystical Monica Cruz. She was hiding in the dark prison of Victorian London in the role of an enigmatic woman in the film by cult director Tim Pop. Her costume is nothing more than a provocative lace lingerie, and her character is ethereal and seductive, with just the right amount of mischievous British...
Priljubljen slovenski modni blog, ki se je v »Oblačilnici« preoblekel v »Stilista«, je sedaj dobil še novo mednarodno pisarno v Parizu. Dnevno lahko tako sledimo razburljivim dogodivščinam, ki jih modna stilistka, novinarka in blogerka preživlja v modni prestolnici, se podučimo o novih modnih ...
The Australian footwear brand Bloch was founded way back in 1932 by Jacob Bloch with the desire to give his chosen one the most comfortable dancing shoes. They are still known today for hand-made ballet and other dance shoes, which are loved by the world's dance elite. Bloch faithfully follows the wishes and needs of the dancers, the designer...
s.Oliver also comes with a new collection, which was inspired by the lively metropolis – Berlin. It is full of old abandoned factory complexes, interesting areas, unique bars and clubs, which are the perfect background for the creation of a new campaign. This follows the slogan "Real fashion for real people", which...