Tired of foggy mornings and temperatures around zero? Maybe it's time to spend your dream vacation somewhere warm. In our editorial office, we have found the ideal arrangement for you for a winter vacation that will be different and, above all, warm. This time we will be truly luxurious, although the price promises the opposite! We travel to Dubai, the city of luxury in luxury accommodation, and all for a price under 650 euros.
When we cross the threshold of Terme Sveti Martin, we are immediately embraced by the warmth and hospitality characteristic of the heart of the picturesque landscape of Međimurje. This magical place, which boasts the title of the first Health resort in Europe, is more than just a destination; is a world where relaxation, health and unlimited fun intertwine, creating the perfect backdrop for an unforgettable family vacation. Surrounded by unspoilt nature and inspired by the philosophy of a healthy lifestyle, Terme Sveti Martin offers a unique experience where every moment becomes a precious memory.
Londonski črni taksi
London's black cab has succumbed to progress! The world of transportation is about to undergo a revolutionary change. Uber, a pioneer in the ride-sharing world, is announcing a surprising partnership with London's iconic black cabs. What does this mean for Londoners and the future of public transport?
When the days get shorter and the autumn breeze gently whispers through the leaves, Opatija transforms into a land of chocolate wonders. It is not only a place where chocolate lovers meet, but also a place where stories are woven between the smells of cocoa and the sound of the sea. This year was especially festive, as my family and I went to the 17th Chocolate Festival in Opatija, an event that transcends all boundaries with its magic.

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