In the center of the capital, we can welcome a novelty that will bring fresh wind from neighboring Italy into our homes. On the fourth floor of the renovated NAME, which has recently upgraded its offer, the Coincasa store came to life. The top Italian brand of home products is world famous for its unique style, mixing different moods and trends.
You've probably been living under a rock if you haven't heard of Black Friday, the biggest shopping day dedicated to spending, jostling and, as has always been the custom on American soil, fighting over products. So you already know three facts about this epic day, but believe me, there are many more. And some of them will leave you scratching your head.
You look forward to the holidays, as well as spending time with family and friends, but when you add all the parties, street parties, cultural events and all kinds of gatherings with friends in clubs and bars to all the December holidays, happy December instantly becomes a hectic battle with time, stress and with obligations.
A plastic carrier bag is produced in 5 seconds, used for approximately 5 minutes, and takes more than 100 years to decompose. Disposing of plastic in nature is a global problem of modern society, because according to numerous studies, 10 percent of annual production, or approximately 10 million tons of plastic, ends up as waste in the sea. This does not decompose in nature, but breaks down into smaller and smaller particles.
In the last decade, the way of shopping has changed drastically. While not long ago we used to go to the city or malls for all our shopping, now we stay at home and surf the web. The widespread use of not only computers, but especially smartphones, and the increasing number of retailers offering goods online, has created a kind of shopping revolution.
With the introduction of the mBills Mastercard debit card, MBILLS has dramatically expanded the possibilities of paying with mBills at almost 44 million points of sale worldwide. MBILLS thus became the first Slovenian company to launch a Mastercard debit card. With the money card from their mBills mobile wallet, users can use it for everyday purchases at all points of sale, and it is also suitable for purchases online or abroad. Ordering and paying by card is free for mBills users.
Mastercard reveals tips that will enable avid vacationers to pay securely and conveniently electronically at every step of their trip – from planning and booking to spending time at their chosen destination. When traveling abroad, people rely more and more on the advantages of electronic payment and include cards in their everyday life, which is an indispensable part of travel.
The term "cheat day" is known mainly thanks to diets that allow culinary transgressions once a week. The opinions of experts regarding this type of eating vary, but on average, "sinners" most often opt for fast food and sweets.
Health care is an investment for the future, so a good employer provides a working environment that is friendly to the health of employees. It's no secret that we spend a lot of time at work - according to some statistics, as much as a third of our active life. Sitting and improper posture in front of the computer screen, improper lifting of loads, unhealthy diet and many other little things affect our health day by day.
Ideal and flawless bodies exist only in the virtual worlds of computer programs. Real bodies are quite different from them. They have a kilo too much, their breasts are no longer what they were, their bellies bear marks...
After a few years, the first brand that found inspiration for its clothes in the world of dance has returned to Slovenia. Dimensione Danza opened its doors in Ljubljana's BTC, on the upper ground floor of Hall A.
March is the month to update your wardrobe, so we've prepared a shopping guide for you for the products you shouldn't forget about in March.