It has been known for some time that a dog is man's best friend. If you want it to stay that way, you need to give your pet a pleasant life and spend as much time as possible with it. But what to do when this is not feasible?
Nowadays, everyone with a smartphone is a photographer. While the photos we take digitally live forever in the digital realm, the insoluble puzzle is the very disappearance and physical absence of photos in our lives. They rarely find their way into our physical world. On our walls, in our wallets, purses... as recordings that we have always adored as a memory. Now you can bring your virtual portfolio to life with the Canon IVY mini photo printer.
Polaroid cameras serve their purpose well, but they are impractical and heavy, and at the same time, they are not capable of producing the same quality photos as smartphones. For those of you who still don't intend to part with them entirely, there's KiiPix.
In 2018, the Isobar marketing agency already earned the title of one of the most innovative agencies. It was one of the first to start measuring users' emotional responses to VR content, but that's not all. What new does it offer this time?
Introducing the revolutionary Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K, which will impress you with its convenient design and the latest digital technology. What makes this device so exceptional?
Although modern technology fascinates us day by day, many people are happy to reminisce about devices that were popular in the past. Who among those born a few decades ago does not remember the legendary Polaroid cameras?
Until now, it was believed that thoughts are hidden from the outside world and known only to us. Attention! That may change soon. Science has progressed to the point that it is able to recognize everything that happens in a person's head.
Can you imagine having a robot at home that eavesdrops on you, uses artificial intelligence and shares what's happening with your friends on social networks? It sounds a bit scary, but from now on it will be possible.
Who says desktop computers are retro? At Acer, they certainly don't have that opinion. Their new all-in-one computer is sure to find a place in many homes.
GoPro CEO Nick Woodman promised a few months ago that a new "entry-level" camera would soon be available to customers. The promise has now become a reality as the new Hero camera is already in the market.
While Apple has announced a new version of the iPad tablet, Google is not resting on its laurels. Together with Acer, they launched the first Choomebook tablet, with which they want to oppose their competitor. And this just a day before the official presentation of the new iPad...
Steve Jobs' dream was that Apple would create computers for education. Accordingly, the new iPad was designed and premiered at Lane Technical College Prep High School in Chicago.