Practically every action camera on the market is already capable of capturing quality footage. What is important is what happens to them after that. The TomTom Bandit action camera aims to make it easy to create videos of your adventures (also with a shake function that allows for easy editing). Using GPS and other sensors, it tracks your speed, altitude and acceleration to automatically select the most exciting moments. is a new website from Microsoft that tries to guess your age based on a photo. The matter could not be simpler. You select the photo you want and the website will use facial recognition algorithms to determine your age and gender. Yes, we know you know how old you are, but who doesn't want to check out how old Microsoft thinks we are. You'll be checking others anyway. Definitely a fun way to kill time.
After months of waiting, Apple's Apple Watch has finally reached its first customers. But it stuck right away. This was not the fault of some new mechanical fault (fortunately, the vibrating one was discovered and fixed before the first shipment), but of users who have a tattoo on their hands. Namely, this "censors" certain functions of the smart watch and constantly requires the entry of a PIN code, as it regularly loses contact with the iPhone.
Apple's new MacBook may be the template for all laptops of the future, but it's hardly the best. He happened upon a Lenovo LaVie Z laptop. The latter, which runs the Windows 8.1 operating system, may not be as thin as the new Apple MacBook, but it is therefore lighter and has all the connections you need. No need for intermediate plugs and similar rods. The screen is also larger and with a higher resolution, and the processor is more powerful. Of course, all this comes with a price, so you will pay around 180 euros more for it than for a MacBook.
The idea that a bin can make your life easier sounds silly, but only until you see Bruno in action. It is the world's first smart trash can that is also a vacuum cleaner. It is not just a storage room for collecting waste, but in connection with a smartphone it makes sure that you do not run out of garbage bags, warns you when the bin is full and makes sure that you never miss the collection of waste. In addition, it has a vacuum slot at the bottom, which vacuums everything you have swept into the bag. Have you heard of that dump? Get it on Kickstarter.
Internet Explorer is history. Well, at least as far as future Windows operating systems are concerned, since a successor has been announced for some time. It was presented as Spartan in the trial version of Windows 10, but now Microsoft has revealed the official name - Microsoft Edge. It will become the official web browser of the upcoming Windows 10 operating system.
Google usually told us how to do something. Now it will do it for you. Some time ago, Google refined its famous browser with two small but important additions. Type "find my phone" and Google will locate it on a map and offer to call it. If you type "send directions" it will direct you to it. Google has come a long way in its 16-year search history, but this is actually just the beginning.
Sony introduced the Touchless Shutter app for automatic camera activation. We trigger this by waving our hand in front of the viewfinder, i.e. the small window where we see what will be captured in the photo. As we know that taking photos in low light conditions can be a real nightmare, often resulting in blurry photos (even when using a tripod or a steady hand), this is a more than welcome addition.
Are you also afraid to wear white because potential stains are lurking everywhere? With the white women's shirt The Unstainable, women no longer have to be afraid of this, because it is no match for stains from coffee, salad dressings, wine, ice cream and ketchup. Because of the intelligent textile - it is coated with nanoparticles - it is practically impossible to get the silk shirt dirty. No wonder it's such a hit on Kicstarte, which probably means it's going to be a fashion hit soon.
Elon Musk, the father of the electric car brand Tesla, is not nicknamed the Steve Jobs of the automobile for nothing. He proved this once more when he introduced the Tesla Powerwall batteries, which have the ability to store solar energy. These would or will power homes, businesses, maybe even the entire world. By being able to store the energy of solar cells for later use, which until now has been the biggest obstacle in the use of renewable energy sources, they are changing not only the "producer" of electricity, but the very course of history.
The first trailer for the first-person shooter video game Call of Duty: Black Ops III, which continues the Black Ops series - it was first released under the auspices of the game developer Treyarch and Activision in 2010 - will not leave us indifferent. We hear Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones in the background, and a voice says: "Guns have no instinct, no loyalty, and no judgment." Soldiers have that. But what happens when a soldier becomes a weapon? How far can we push technology before it backfires?''
The unusualness of smartwatches makes us feel like we're Her Majesty's secret agents wearing a high-tech device from the Q department. So it only makes sense that the first game is made specifically for the spy-themed Apple Watch. Spy Watch is a game like you've never seen before, and it takes advantage of your notification system. Of course your story is tragic. You rise to the head of a spy agency after an unknown enemy kills the former head, your "father".