Photoshop was already 25 years old on February 19. In its childhood, it was primarily a professional computer program for processing photos and other graphics, but in its teenage years, parallel to the rapid rise of the Internet, it, like many well-intentioned inventions, also fell into the hands of "miscreants" who started it exploited for purposes that changed the world forever. Photo manipulations have become our everyday life and, like a lie repeated long enough, have become accepted as reality.
The very first curved computer screen in the world, LG's Curved UltraWide, marked 34UC97, can now also be found on Slovenian shelves, where it will stand out not only for its "closed" position, but also for its 21:9 aspect ratio. Currently, 16:9 rules. For 1249.90 euros (plus VAT) you will get 34 or. 32.7-inch screen with IPS technology (sophisticated LCD), which offers an exceptional viewing angle and an exceptional image, as well as a multitude of functionality and connectivity options.
The Neptune Duo smartwatch took a different tack than most smartwatches. While most are subordinate to smartphones or their assistants, the situation with this Android watch is just the opposite. We get it in a set with a phone with a 5-inch screen, which is just an interface and thus much less smart than smartphones. That's why it's so much smarter. But the phone is not only an extended arm of the latter, but also a charger where the watch can "tap" its battery.
Smartphones are more popular than ever, and it's never been easier to find a phone case that matches our personality. While most people buy cases to protect their device from drops and scratches, some opt for unusual, bizarre and sometimes downright impractical phone cases. We've delved into the depths of the interwebs to find some of the funniest and silliest phone cases.
Smart glasses Sony SmartEyeglass was introduced by Sony last September, and in March 2015 these multimedia smart glasses with the label Developer Edition will only be available for the first buyers. After the withdrawal of Google's Glass glasses, they will have no real competition, and they will hit you in the pocket for 670 euros. For this, you will get augmented reality, which will work in connection with your smartphone.
Facebook is expected to become a social network of the "living dead" around 2065, as the number of dead people's profiles will exceed the number of living people. To prevent this from happening, since it is still intended to maintain and establish contacts, Facebook is now also getting a (digital) will, which means that you can entrust the management of your profile to someone else after your death. Until now, it has only frozen, and even for that it was necessary to overcome many bureaucratic obstacles.
The Toshiba Satellite Z30 notebook has 16 hours of autonomy thanks to the fast and powerful, but at the same time very economical Intel Core i5 5200 processor from the Broadwell family. It is a compact notebook, weighing only half a kilogram and with ideal dimensions for portability (316 x 227 x 17.9 mm).
Mattel introduced its famous View-Master stereoscopic toy more than three-quarters of a century ago (1939), but today it is returning to children's rooms, as the world-famous toy manufacturer has, with the help of Google, upgraded it to the extent that the former 3D display images using color filters instead of virtual reality display. Goodbye playgrounds.
Microsoft continues to push the boundaries with its Lumia smartphones, but not so much in terms of user experience and technology itself, but rather the price, which continues to slide down. Which is clearly encouraging news, as the Lumia, with the working name of RM-1099, should be available for less than 60 euros. Obviously, you won't get a Fittipaldi for this, but it will satisfy all those users who still use smartphones "on a whim" or who are not too demanding.
LG is betting a lot on smart watches, otherwise it wouldn't have introduced its third model in a relatively short time. The LG Watch Urbane, like the G Watch R and the diametric opposite of the Apple Watch, is a classic watch in appearance, but in reality, the heart of Android is hidden under the dial. LG is not sending a unisex model to the market, as it will be available in gold and silver, as it counts on both sexes equally.
Steam, the online toy service of the publishing house Valve Corporation, recently recorded a record rush for their most popular PC game Dota 2, with as many as one million simultaneous users (1,075,464). The magic limit is nothing compared to the bar set by League of Legends (Microsoft Windows platform), which was simultaneously played by 7.5 million players, but in absolute terms, the Steam platform leads here as well.
Will Apple add an electric car to its product repertoire is a question that has been stirring the web for some time, but now the media has also picked up on the matter. In recent months, more and more experts from various fields of the automotive industry (Mercedes-Benz, Ford,...) are resigning and leaving for Silicon Valley. Time will tell if the news about the car is true, but the fact is that Apple has all the conditions to become the dictater of automotive trends.