
To a good online password with poetry!

How many online passwords do we have? One, three, ten? Have we been using the same password since we first opened our email? Despite our best efforts, it turned out that we had been composing our "unbreakable" passwords completely wrong. No, the key to a good password is not hidden in different characters and unique dates, the real key is in poetry.

To a good online password with poetry? Marjan Ghazvininejad and Kevin Knight from the University of Southern California invented a method that creates a memorable and unbreakable password. In order to crack the password, you would need just five million years.

The user passwords we create are usually quick to remember, but that doesn't mean they're safe. password, A 60-bit string, generated for us by a computer, is much safer, but who will remember it? That's why Marjan and Kevin created an unforgettable 60-bit string by assigned words to numbers from a word dictionary with more than 30 thousand words. A computer program then generated a very long random number and then reduced it to a shorter number that matched the dictionary words.

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The point of this generator is to create passwords based on unrelated words, no connection or patterns that a computer could decipher, that are simple for people, and passwords that you can we remember based on the rhymes.
We can test the system through an online generator, but it should be emphasized that the online demo is not secure. For a more secure version, you can v this system enter your address email, and the system will then generate a unique song (read: password) that will be deleted later.

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