Mirkomotor, which imitates the dynamics of a unicycle, is one of the more unusual means of transport, which completely impresses with its design. The idea is completely simple, the execution complete futurism.
No, this is not an advanced version of Google Glass that conjures up a screen in front of your eyes. Instead, Google wants to help people with diabetes with smart contact lenses.
We are slowly entering the era when robots will perform everyday tasks for us and entertain us at every step in our home.
3D printing technology is developing exponentially. Unveiled at CES 2014 in early January, the tiny 3D printers can print a variety of small objects and pieces of furniture. The next step in development is bigger than you expected - a robot that prints your house!
For those of you who have already bought a ticket to travel to space, there is good news. Virgin Galactic's SpaceShip Two completed its third supersonic flight in the Mojave Desert a few days ago, reaching a record-breaking 21,641 meters.
Chocolate lovers will soon have a dream come true. The company Hershey's will make a 3D chocolate printer.
Skeptics of Facebook's business model have long warned that the social network is losing its charm among teenagers and want to prove to Facebook that it will no longer be able to justify its estimated value of 102 billion euros.
The limits of human creativity will apparently never be defined, as new technologies and concepts come to market almost daily. Panono is a ball-shaped panoramic camera that captures a 360 degree image around you in the air.
For all fans of Nolan's Batman trilogy, a really cool iPhone case is now available, which will fearlessly protect against all "evil".
Like many of us, I have never really enjoyed ironing, mainly because it is time-consuming and fluid. These days, we received a new Philips PerfectCare Pure system iron in our editorial office, and I took the opportunity to test the iron that arrived. I admit that he impressed me...
At CES 2014 in Las Vegas, more than three thousand companies unveiled tens of thousands of new products, from giant 4K TVs to tiny versatile computer chips. We have selected a couple of the best that stand out from the crowd and represent the most innovative products for the coming year.
Music represents relaxation for many of us and we cannot imagine life without it. SoundTouch is the new way to wirelessly stream music in your home.