... as part of its Zune "project" (multimedia players), Microsoft is expected to soon launch a game console on the market that would fill the gap between the Zune products themselves and the Xbox. Although the first Zune players are not expected to hit the European market until autumn 2009, the above rumor has considerable...
Why not? If we know that research by Harris Interactive showed that as many as 51 % children have ever (re)dialed a certain number from their parents' phone (and thus wasted money) and that 23 % PDAs/smartphones have broken due to tampering with the children's food or they camped...
Will Samsung Revive the Wannabe iPhone Race With the I7500? As it turns out, it will. The Android operating system will have the honor of being the first to power any Samsung. The i7500 will be operated via a 3.2-inch (480 x 320) touch-sensitive AMOLED screen. The internal 8 GB memory will be expandable up to 32 GB (MicroSD). ...
"Jaws"? Lucky or not, a name always means more than a mere title. And in this case it means much more. In addition to the happy design, the wireless Bluetooth headset also features improved NoiseAssassin 2.0 technology. In this way, disturbing ambient sounds are eliminated even more during the conversation. Range ...
S6, MID - too many abbreviations at once? Most of them still follow. MID stands for Mobile Internet Devices. For example, in Audi, the letter S stands for the sports car model. Is the BenQ S6 also a noble MID? Mobile internet device(s) is a kind of mixture, a hybrid between mobile...
Mac owners have sweet worries, at least when it comes to backups, and Time Machine deserves kudos for that. Classic "PC-riders" can also worry about sweetness now, because with Seagat's Replica we got a more than adequate equivalent of Apple's "time machine". Unlike the vast majority of…
Egreat Network Media Tank presents a digital home cinema system that allows us to store, share and reproduce digital content within the home network. Due to its universality, it can be connected to HD TV, home cinema systems and to a classic PC network. In this way, multimedia can...
For all irredeemable nostalgics who still swear by the warm sound of old vinyl records, the Novak LP-to-MP3 Recorder will be more than an interesting product. As the name itself suggests, with the analog player we will be able to record sound from LP-records in digital .mp3-format (it also supports WAV and WMA). The turntable has both integrated speakers and ...
Recession here, recession there, the economic crisis has eaten into those parts of society where it shouldn't, so it's no surprise that the Ysoft SafeQ "crisis package" is perfect for economical use of printers, paper and toner in companies. where printers are often in use. HUD (Hybrid Head...
Ever confused about a translation? No problem, Najdi.si now eliminates your language worries, as the online search engine offers you 4 free online dictionaries. English-Slovene, Slovenian-English, German-Slovene and Slovenian-German dictionaries are currently available, and in a few months they will be on...
The story is familiar: we arrange and furnish the apartment; when we are almost at the end, we realize that the electrical connections, sockets and light switches are not where we need them. Ambient tape can help with such and similar problems. It is a cable system, but it is much more than just...
With an external hard drive from Origin Storage, an IT solutions company, we can help a lot with this. Amacon Data Locker is available in three different capacities (160, 320 and 500 GB), and their specialty is data encryption, which takes place in a 128 or 256 bit AES key. Additionally...