Every, well almost every, girl dreams of a dream wedding in a dream location. It is no secret that Slovenia is a wonderful country endowed with natural beauty. And that's why there are quite a few dreamy spots for outdoor weddings. We have selected 6 locations around Slovenia where they can make your wedding day truly fabulous.
You probably wished you had a treehouse when you were a kid, right? Hidden in the treetops, they would be playing with their friends, and most importantly, their parents would be somewhere far away. Unfortunately, most of us have not been able to realize this dream, but it is still not too late. On Airbnb, they offer their realization, and according to Airbnb, it is also the most popular Airbnb accommodation in the world.
What are the biggest 'stars' of Paris? It's true that the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame are at the top of the list of must-see Parisian attractions, but love goes through the stomach, so we can't let ourselves rush from one historical period to another without taking time to get to know them. the sweet sides of the French capital.
We present a selection of the best beaches in the world, chosen by TripAdvisor users. In the current cold season, we would give anything in the world to be able to bask somewhere where all our clothes would be superfluous. If you want to take a virtual trip to warm places with us, here are the best beaches of 2015 as chosen by travelers. Choose your favorite beach and visit it in 2015.
Attending sports matches is one of the most fun ways to spend your free time. But when the intense competition takes place in stunning, megalomaniacal stadiums, the experience is even greater. The grandest stadiums in the world are proof that while looks aren't everything, they certainly add a pinch of important spice.
Have you ever dreamed of driving a tank? For sure. Especially if you ever walked around Tivoli as a child and passed the Museum of Recent History of Slovenia or if you ever watched a movie by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Now it is possible. Where else than in the USA, where the Drive a Tank company offers tank driving to civilians as well. Different packages are available where you can experience different tanks and shoot with modern or weapons from some other times.
We can go to Amsterdam by car and use the drive for a quick highway course to get to know some European countries. If we have more time and are fans of romance, we can choose the train, otherwise we look for an affordable option for the fastest way to the Dutch capital from the airline ticket providers.

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