We present five simple ways and tips that help to more successfully detoxify the body naturally.
In the months of October and November, you can exchange your old electric toothbrush of any brand for a new Philips Sonicare electric toothbrush with a 20 % discount in Müller drugstores, BigBang stores, M Tehnika and Sanolabor.
Most of us (especially women) decide to engage in regular physical activity - be it running, fitness, yoga, cycling or some other type of sport - because of the desire to have a more beautiful body and lose weight. Besides this visual effect, regular physical activity brings with it many other benefits: here are 10 of them that have nothing to do with weight loss.
In the fall, it often happens that our physical and mental health begins to suffer from stress and bad mood, brought with them by obligations at school and work, wet weather and shorter and colder days. But autumn stress can be easily banished: with food, including many local autumn delicacies that are available in every store and in nature in our immediate vicinity.
The human brain is considered a very sensitive part of the human body. However, brain injuries can lead to many health complications. According to research, the World Health Organization presented the 10 most harmful habits that seriously damage our brain.
Beneficial aloe vera is one of the most remarkable and versatile plants for body care. Aloe vera gel, which is found in the fleshy leaves of the plant, eliminates stretch marks, burns, skin irregularities and much more.
Tarantino's cult film Pulp Fiction also got its own makeup collection.
Nowadays, due to the (too) large selection of bio, eco and diet drinks and snacks, it is quite difficult to choose the right ones that actually do not harm our health. Therefore, let us come to the aid of a list of ten treats that nutritionists claim are not as healthy as their manufacturers claim to help us with our next purchase.
Hair. If you're a man, you don't usually pay them much attention (well, at least until you start going bald). If you are a woman, you sometimes feel guilty that you think about them much more than the poor children in Africa. And if you start falling out or if you have a bad hair day, it is your hair that is causing your gray hair. Here are 10 facts about hair that you probably didn't know.
Trust Deborah Milano, who is proud to present a new all-in-one mascara that not only creates lush volume, but also offers other extraordinary effects: long-lasting, excellent curling, exceptional definition and length, like having false eyelashes. Among all the fans of creating different looks, we will give away 5 new DEBORAH Extraordinary 5-in-1 Mascara to all those who answer the prize question correctly.
Small lifestyle changes can lead to great results. So let's see what we can do to feel better today!
A woman who cuts her hair will change her life, said the already famous short-haired fashion icon Coco Chanel. The coming autumn is the ideal time for changes, so for those of you who are braver, who are on a mission to change your life or simply want a different look, we have prepared a selection of 20 of the most beautiful women's hairstyles, which should serve as inspiration before you go to hairdresser.