Feeling confident comes with a healthy dose of self-love and care. Lips therefore only need a little attention and care to make them look fuller, not fillers. Below we bring you tips on how to pay attention to them and how to apply makeup for naturally larger lips.
Valentine's Day is upon us, so we want to get romantic and do our best to feel especially beautiful that day. Everything around us is in the sign of love, hearts, the color red and romance - so why can't our manicure be in the same spirit? We can express love and affection in many ways, and one of them can be our manicure, which by itself will say more than a thousand words.
Applying your favorite perfume before leaving home is like putting a cherry on top of a cake. The chosen fragrance can help you complete your look, reflect your personality, can improve your mood and give you a feeling of freshness. But unfortunately, it often happens that the smell of your perfume disappears as soon as you leave the house, so you feel as if you never applied it at all. If you want to put an end to this and want the perfume to last all day, choose one of the fragrances below.
Are you ready for a new twist on the classic way of applying eye makeup? Here is the "halo eye", a make-up trend that has already conquered girls all over the world and driven Instagram crazy.
Regardless of the trends that bring us really great short hairstyles, long hair will forever remain synonymous with untamed beauty. This is also the opinion of Vogue magazine, where they compiled a list of long hairstyles that will make you cancel your haircut!
If you are thinking of changing your hair color, then consider going lighter (side).
Beauty requires sacrifice, they say. And many women easily make sacrifices to stay beautiful. However, it often turns out that many of the usual actions and beliefs to maintain a perfect appearance are not actually necessary, much less useful. Many beauty myths not only waste our time and money, but also harm our appearance.
The velvet manicure is the latest nail trend to hit social media. All those of you who like something different will be delighted. Don't confuse this latest trend with the one a few years ago that involved gluing velvet threads to your nails.
What are the best perfumes of 2020 that we will happily wear in 2021?
Maintaining optimal health is not only good for your overall well-being, but also for achieving all of your other goals in life. Become the best version of yourself and you will succeed in everything you do.
If you wake up in the morning more beautiful than when you went to bed at night, then a real little miracle has happened... or you have followed the following tips!