When H&M announced their latest fashion collaboration, the fashion world was gripped by true fashion hysteria. The fashion house Balmain, with its unique creations under the signature of creative director Olivier Rousteing, represents the dream of every true fashion enthusiast. Here are photos of the first creations from the Balmain x H&M collection, which we will be able to see live on November 5 this year...
Finding the right shoe size can be as difficult as the prince's search for Cinderella. The same shoe numbers differ from brand to brand (a Nike sneaker with number 42 is more like number 41 at Adidas), so you can save money quickly. There are many variables at play when buying shoes, and when you finally find the right ones, you later realize you bought too small! Nothing tragic, because there is a solution for this. Seven tricks, to be exact, that can make your shoes/sneakers look (slightly) bigger.
Mode.com is once again bringing us one of its evolutionary snapshots of the development of beauty and fashion - this time they present the evolution of women's underwear.
If you're not into fashion and believe that dresses should last forever, then London-based designer Tom Cridland's 30 Year T-shirt is perfect for you. This perfect shirt, as its "tailor" calls it, is of such high quality that he is ready to offer you a 30-year guarantee for it!
Buying a swimsuit is a nightmare for many women, because they want to find a swimsuit that is compatible with their figure and emphasizes the body correctly. If you recognize yourself in this, then we have a solution for you. In fact, for all women. The Dear-lover brand has discovered a secret formula for the cut of monokini swimwear in which all women look attractive and seductive. And another great news. They are yours for just over 10 euros.
Meet Shaquille Dent, the guy with the worst haircut in the world, nicknamed "Son Goku" by a black man. Who is Son Goku? Ask your daughter or son, or any third grader, and they will tell you like a cannon that this is the protagonist of the cartoon Dragon Ball Z, a little boy with a tail and a spiky haircut. Shaquille Dent, on the other hand, is a sophomore at the Cleveland Institute of Art and the real version of himself. Minus the tail and dragon ball of course.
The catwalks were loud and clear - shoes and boots rule the fall of 2015. This fall's trends - over-the-knee boots, furry accessories and patchwork shoes - will soon rule our streets too.
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Ljubljana - a premium celebration of fashion, beauty and design - is coming to Ljubljana! Two events are planned annually. Autumn and spring. The first one, which we will be able to follow between October 28 and 31, 2015, is planned as a three-day fashion week in Cankarjev dom.
Smartwatches are the latest fashion statement, but nothing beats a good old analog watch, especially if it's a Tesla Watch. And no, this is not a new project from Elon Musk, who still sticks to cars (and house batteries), so this steampunk watch is no less impressive. It was made by ThinkGeek and is sure to charm all followers of this subculture that mixes elements of science fiction and the Victorian era.
Artist Rommy Kuperus has found an interesting market niche. Namely, it makes women's handbags and chains in the shape of food. Would you carry ice cream, Nutella cream spread or would you rather put a French baguette under your arm? If you want to really spice up your fall style, these bags will definitely hit the spot. Unfortunately, the bags are not edible, so those fries and slices of pizza will stay where they are. Or you can reach into your purse for your wallet and treat yourself to them in a different way.
With the end of summer comes colorful autumn and with it the long-awaited autumn fashion trends. One of them is definitely suede, which will dominate the otherwise ubiquitous smooth leather this season and take us from bohemian summer to retro autumn.
Sophia Webster was inspired by one of fashion's most iconic dolls – Barbie – to design her new shoe collection, which consists of pink loafers, sandals and sneakers.