These heavenly soft pancakes will keep fresh and you can eat them the next day.
Have you heard of "barndominium"? A barn converted into a condominium is a new trend in home building. Human imagination definitely knows no bounds...
The Turkish chain of bakeries and cafes, Simit Sarayi, has finally opened its doors in Ljubljana. In addition to the latter, Raj for lovers of bakery delicacies also offers sandwiches and toasts, desserts, ice cream, lunches, breakfasts, coffee, pizza and pasta, packaged products, and the list goes on.
Here's another trend for women's swimwear 2019. This year, you'll literally glow on the beach - which model of neon swimwear is your favorite?
Every parent wants their child to be special, different, to stand out and to be memorable. It all starts with choosing a name. It has to be cool, sophisticated and memorable at the same time, so the task is definitely not an easy one. To make it all a little easier, we've found 20+ super cool baby names for 2019, both for boys and girls. But maybe right here you will find the right name or at least the inspiration.
We can never have enough of questionable fashion pieces that we don't know where the practical value lies - this time we were "joyed" by bikinis with a "blood stain" that were clearly made for women's days ... or there was an awkward design error. Who would know?
Even if our enthusiasm for new shoes is too great, they almost always make us bitter to the point that we regret buying them for at least a month. How to prevent annoying blistering, rubbing and unpleasant smell of shoes in time?
We are approaching the time of the year when sneakers will be replaced by lighter footwear during leisure time. In the "men's shoes 2019" section, this time we present the most beautiful sandals for summer.
You might think it's too early to be shopping for summer sandals, but you know how changeable the weather is, right? That's why there's nothing wrong with getting your first summer sandals now! And we have chosen the most beautiful ones for you!
Throughout the centuries, lips have been a sign of sensuality and beauty, and women have tried to draw the most beautiful smile on their faces with various preparations. Lips are often the first thing you notice on a person, and at the same time, they are the part of the face that is the biggest challenge for aesthetic medicine. As Oskar Wilde wrote, the shape of the lips writes history.
Pregnancy is a wonderful time for many mothers-to-be, which also includes many unusual symptoms, emotional outbursts and crazy desires. In addition to fatigue, stretch marks, sleep problems... here are a bunch of other bizarre but scientifically confirmed facts about pregnancy.
Do you also love designer pieces but can't afford them? Then it's high time you hit one of these European outlets where you can find designer shoes, handbags and clothes for less than if they were on regular discount. Where in Europe are the best oulets?