Although it seems rushed, Zara has already sent a fresh collection of swimwear for summer 2016 to the shelves. This year, the Spanish fashion giant is betting on one-piece swimwear in different colors and cuts.
The FerFud project, which delighted Slovenian streets last year, is returning this year as well. This time with a renewed concept, as the FerFud truck is looking for a chef with a big idea. The tender is already open, candidates can submit applications until April 10.
Woodstock, which ran from August 15 to 18, 1969, has long been considered much more than just a music festival. It started as an outdoor rock concert, but ended up as a symbol of an entire generation. Among other things, he set fashion guidelines that we still follow today, and this footage of the Woodstock girls is living proof of his influence on modern culture.
Is the dandelion salad starting to pop out of your ears? Did you know that dandelion can be used for many other things? Do you want to start your day with a healthy snack? Then the recipe for cottage cheese spread with dandelion will come in handy. Quickly prepared and rich in energy and vitamins. It's the breakfast of champions!
Poppies, who can resist them when we pass a bakery and they laugh at us from behind the glass and invite us with their intoxicating smell like Sirens? Prepare soft and fragrant poppies right at home and you will no longer have to go to the bakery!
Libero Rutilo, a designer from Milan, has found a way to extend the life of old bottles. He combined 3D printing technology with recycling to create a beautiful series of vases under the auspices of DesignLibero design studio.
How many times would you like to take a short nap in the office? Now you can, and comfortably, because design student Aqil Raharji from OCAD University in Toronto has developed the perfect workplace sleeping corner. The Schnap hammock, which is mounted right under the table!
In recent years, more and more companies are opting for bright and open offices, as they encourage productivity, flexibility and communication between employees. The latest findings show the exact opposite, which does not mean that the trend will immediately reverse and companies will start erecting partition walls, etc. But perhaps there is a middle way: a free-standing "helmet" that isolates the person from the environment. The helmet, which partially resembles a telephone booth, removes disturbing factors, including noise, that interfere with the employee's concentration.
Are these the weirdest women's shoes in the world? You certainly have your candidates, but the shoes from the sequel certainly rank high on the charts of the strangest, as well as the most bizarre, shoes in the world! It's like peeking into Lady Gaga's closet. Would you wear any of them?
How to protect yourself from ticks? Spring not only brings warmer weather and blooming nature, but also ticks. That's why it's important to know how to protect yourself from ticks so you don't get diseases like Lyme disease and tick-borne meningitis.
The industrial design studio Sturlesi Design, based in Tel Aviv, Israel, presents a new collection of iLLuminite decorative geometric lamps. The inspiration comes from the search for a unique and original approach to the design of night and ambient lights.
How to prepare several scrambled eggs at the same time? In the following, we give you a trick with which you will be able to feed a table full of hungry mouths in no time with an egg that is a combination of a hard exterior and a liquid interior.