INVITATION TO THE VENICE CARNIVAL We will design real Venetian plaster masks and decorate them. With PIKA GOVAVIČKA, we will discover the beauties...
Pozdravljeni ljubitelji pisane besede in čudovitih ilustracij!
Naj vas spomnimo, da smo se v otroški knjigarni Kres pod gradom odločili, da slovenski kulturni praznik, ki ga obeležujemo 8. februarja, proslavimo na poseben način. V knjigarni, ki bo odprta po prazničnem ...
Lepo pozdravljeni mali in veliki ljubitelji pravljic!
V soboto, 4.februarja, vas ob deseti uri dopoldan, ponovno vabimo v prijeten ambient otroške knjigarne Kres pod gradom, kjer vam bo pravljičarka Jana Osojnik prebrala prikupno slikanico Ti je toplo Lile?
... as part of the Days of Culture 2012! Tuesday, February 7, 5:00 p.m. CELJSKI DOM – Krekov trg 3 DAYS OF CULTURE 2012 FREE PUPPET SHOW FOR CHILDREN: HEY, THIS IS MY BELLYDramatization and direction: Damjan M. TrbovcGuests: Skratovo kulkovno theater CeljeChildren! Check out...
The fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen, who wanted to be an actor, novelist and playwright, but became one of the most popular authors of children's fairy tales, is a story about two friends, a story about finding the lost half, about forgiveness, redemption, love and ...
Three clowns bring a tricycle with a large box onto the stage, a small stage is created from the box, hand puppets come to life on it, and during the breaks, the clowns skillfully cover up the scene changes with fun spots. The Lighter is the story of a Soldier who goes to the city to see the wedding of a Princess and has a good time on this occasion. His path crosses...
Ob nakupu vstopnice za ogled predstave MIŠEK MIŠKO IN BELAMIŠKA, nudimo 50% popust na vstopnico za Pustno ...
Na starem zaprašenem podstrešju se po mnogih letih ponovno srečata prijatelja iz otroških dni. V skrivnostnih sencah in ob glasnem mišjem škrbljanju ponovno oživita zgodbo o drugačnosti, prijateljstvu in prepovedani ljubezni med Belamiško iz Mišjega Gradca in črnim ...
Na Odru pod zvezdami bo mogoče prisluhniti dvemakoncertoma z originalno zasedbo - s pevko Neco Falk terkitaristoma Jerkom in Mirom ...
The play takes us to the distant past, to the Middle East among sultans, caliphs and evil viziers. Prince Ahmed and his assistant, the captor Abu, meet in prison. When they come out of it, their journey takes them on land, sea and air, where they experience incredible adventures. In the end, good wins and Prince Ahmed marries...
It's bad if you're eleven years old, even worse if you're a girl and your parents are divorced and you want to live with your mother, but you have to live with your father and his tan and their running tamalim, even though he's your brother, I mean half-brother. Then you use the old trick and tell mom you're at dad's, and dad that...
Ko se glava odpre domišljiji, skoči iz svetlobe zajček, teka, skače, se igra, doživi brodolom, sreča ptico in najde zlato rožo. No ja, no ja, precej preprosta zgodba, boste rekli, no ja, seveda, saj je za ‘tamale’. Ampak, vas vprašam, katera zgodba pa v svojem bistvu nipreprosta: rojstvo, pot, ...