When we prepare for a business meeting, dinner or presentation, we usually devote the most time to what we will say there. However, attention should also be paid to non-verbal communication. Especially when we see someone for the first time, this is extremely important, because the first impression someone creates about us is difficult to change. The following are the 10 most common mistakes you can make with your gestures.
Personal growth
Your sadness is not a weakness. There is strength in her vulnerability. You should be proud of yourself for being honest about your feelings because most people don't admit them. They don't realize that they have a problem and that they need to do something to fix it.
The desire for revenge is natural. And such thinking occurs to you when you are wounded, when someone has hurt you and you want to take revenge in the same way - by striving for pain.
We make many decisions in life: what we will believe, who we will support, how we will live and who will be by our side... All of these are among the choices that are only ours and we don't need to explain them if we don't want to. We have prepared a list of 10 things that you don't need to explain to anyone.
Because you are the one who holds the key to your own happiness. Not someone who can't appreciate what they have if they have your unwavering attention. Not someone who can effortlessly break your trust without even getting to know you well.
Don't let others create your life. Don't let yourself become someone else. Stand up for yourself! Life is yours.
You can hide behind a mask of perfection, but that's not it. This is not the real feeling when you relax and enjoy life. Why? Because you're pretending to be someone you're not.
Don't wait for tomorrow to start making your dreams come true. There's no reason to wait if you can take the first step toward your goals today. Remember that you can start with very small steps.
Having a friend is the best thing, but only if it's a true, sincere friendship. If you have the feeling that this is not the case in your case and that spending time with the people who are supposed to be closest to you permeates you with negative feelings, then read on. Here are 7 signs that your friend doesn't have as good intentions as you'd hope.
Jealousy and envy are emotions that are familiar to each of us, even if we hardly admit it. Regardless of whether it is a friendship or partner relationship, emotions need to be processed before we react recklessly and thus harm ourselves and others. Here are 5 steps you can use to overcome jealousy and envy.
You can try as hard as you want and as often as you want, but the wrong people will never love you the right way. They would never and will never understand your heart or your passion.
Some say that their mother or daughter is their best friend. This may sound like the perfect scenario, but such a relationship can also have negative consequences. It is certainly good to love your family, but there should be a hierarchy within it that does not exceed the limits of a healthy relationship. Too much friendship can also become a risk, encouraging mutual rivalry, loss of respect, role confusion and even alienation.