There is still time for your hidden desires to come true.
Personal growth
The Best Mindfulness Podcasts 2020 Will Help You Live in the Moment!
"Love is the source of all pain." - Ivan Trinko Zamejski
"A family where life begins and love never ends." - Unknown author
"Dreams are the key to happiness. Dreams are the key to success." - Unknown author
"There are good days and bad days. The good days pass so quickly! You know that yourself, but you have a hard time coming to terms with it. But the bad days also pass. Why don't you think about it, why don't you take comfort in it?" - Phil Bosmans
"It doesn't matter how long we've lived with limitations. If we walk into a dark room and turn on the light, it doesn't matter if the room has been in darkness for a day, a week, or ten thousand years - we turn on the light and it's illuminated. When we realize our ability for love and happiness, the light is on." - Sharon Salzberg
"Everything will be fine, it's just a matter of time." - Unknown author
"Great pains are mute." - Luc de Clapiers
"Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in what they look like. Not in what they say. But in what they are." - Unknown author
Be who you are, everything else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde
"It's not about how hard you can hit. It's about how hard you can take the hit and keep going." - Rocky Balboa