
How Einstein solved mental challenges in his sleep and how you can too

There is a scientifically proven way to practically solve problems while you sleep.

Eat. Sleep. Solve problems. Repeat. You probably spend a lot of time dealing with challenges, especially when you're at work.
Many of the world's business visionaries, from Sara Blakely to Richard Branson, owe their success to their ability to identify problems (unmet consumer needs) and provide solutions.

If you want to be better than others, we suggest you start looking for answers in your sleep - literally. It's a method called riding theta brain waves. This is not self-hypnosis or Zen meditation, but pure science.

We know four stages of brain waves.
Researcher Ned Herrmann explains that brain waves (electrical activity emanating from the brain) occur in four phases that depend on your level of activity.

When you are very active, you generate beta waves. When you are relaxed, your brain switches to alpha waves. The fourth stage is represented by delta waves, which occur when you are in deep sleep.

Harness the power of dreams.

You need the third phase of waves, called theta waves, to solve problems.

Individuals who drive a lot often get good ideas at that time, too
for example, while showering, shaving or brushing your teeth. Why? Because you are in theta state at that time. This is a state in which tasks become so automatic that you mentally distance yourself from them. An idea born during this time is pure, free, and happens without censorship or guilt, Herrmann says, continuing.

You are also in this stage when you fall asleep or wake up and between active wakefulness and deep dreaming. Sometimes during the waking cycle, individuals can stay in theta state for long periods of time, say five to 15 minutes, which allows them to free-flow ideas about yesterday's events or ponder the next day's activities. This time can be extremely productive and is a period of very meaningful and creative mental activity.

Is there any proof that this works?
Successful people have been working this way for centuries. Artists like Salvador Dali, writers Mary Shelley and great thinkers understood that the early stage of sleep, when theta waves dominate the brain, is the best time to create.

Even Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison relied on these moments from which they drew their ideas. Early in the morning, when you are still in this state, your creative mind is ready to solve problems and think about the day's challenges.

These are not impossible things and truly what worked for Einstein can work for you.

How to learn to use Theta waves in the business world?
Do the exercises below regularly and you'll develop a positive habit that will take your productivity to a new level.

1. Select a task

When you start to wake up in the morning and your eyes are still closed and your brain is still dreaming, think about the problem or task you have to tackle that day. Maybe it's having a difficult conversation, negotiating with a client, writing reports or creating a new marketing campaign. No matter how many tasks are running through your head, pick just one and let your brain think about it.

Do not divert your mind in any direction, just stay focused on the subject. The brain has already tackled this problem in your subconscious, because when you start thinking about the topic, your subconscious will immediately start looking for a solution.

You write down your thoughts.

In this way, you will often remember some useful ideas. You will probably forget to do it every day. But the more often you do it, the sooner it will become a habit and just another part of your morning routine.

2. Take notes

The most difficult part of problem solving at this stage is that you tend to forget about new ideas when you get up. You find yourself thinking in the shower about what you have to remember. You will try to remember those three brilliant points that you have already mentally conceived. Because of this, you need to write down all your ideas as soon as you open your eyes.
Pick up your phone and write down your thoughts or record them. Be brief, write down only key words, things that will refresh your memory later.

Consider using a pen and paper to jot down your ideas so electronic light won't disturb your sleep.

3. Review

Track your theta thoughts, ideas, and ideas so that you can find certain patterns and solutions in them over time. Because thinking in theta phase utilizes your mental abilities, which are related to solving problems.

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