"Your smile is like your personal business card. But did you know that your teeth may be doing a little more than just smiling? Dr. John Hewitt reveals what your teeth really think about your diet.
Research from Florida Atlantic University reveals that certain types of watches are full of bacteria that can cause infections. How can you protect yourself?
Immerse yourself in the world of the money tree, a plant valued for its Feng Shui properties and scientifically proven benefits. From ancient legends to modern care tips, uncover the mystique of this unique plant. Discover the ancient wisdom and modern science behind Crassula ovata.
If you think women only dream of chocolate and shoes, you are wrong. In fact, they want that spark back from the beginning of the relationship. But, hey, man! You can't just lean on your charm and expect everything to go smoothly. Couples have become masters at turning cuddling and sex into a boring routine, like watching the same episode of "Friends" every night. What is important to a woman?
Do you want to achieve your goals and motivate yourself to succeed? Are you looking for a tool to help you overcome obstacles on your way to success? Try the power of visualization!
How many times a week should you jump between the sheets for optimal health and happiness? Science has an answer, and it might surprise you! So much love prolongs life.
Mars has entered the sign of Libra, which promises a period of upheaval and uncertainty. How will these planetary events affect us? What challenges can we expect during this time? And who will feel the consequences the most?
How can famous actress Sharon Stone look better than ever? What is it that keeps her full of energy and vitality? Let's see what eating rules she follows!
Wondering which exercise tips are actually helpful and which should be taken with a grain of salt?
In the month of September, we can expect special astrological placements that will significantly affect relationships and cause love problems. How will the stars be reflected in the partnerships? Which signs will be most sensitive to these influences in September?
Have you ever wondered how you spell the letter 'X'? The way you draw your lines can reveal surprising details about your personality. Let's dig deeper! So - how do you spell the letter X?!
What do women actually look for in men?! We reveal what women really look for in men. Get ready for some surprises!