With strong intuition, you can make better decisions and feel more connected to yourself and the world around you. Intuition is a powerful resource that can help us make better decisions, find solutions and the right direction in life. Even if we don't realize it, we all have some level of intuitive ability. The deeper our understanding, the more power we will have to use it to improve our lives.
Oh, this crush. For romantics, it's considered the most beautiful emotion they can feel, but it's still a puzzle for experts. Although we know the chemical reactions that take place in our brains when we like someone, we still don't know what exactly makes a person fall in love. This time we inquired about another question that many researches tackle: how long does it take to really fall in love?
You wonder how it is possible that during a certain period of life challenges go smoothly for you, and sometimes you feel as if you were born under an unlucky star. One of the explanations for this can be found in the ancient Chinese science of feng shui, which is mainly devoted to arranging rooms. This science claims that you will achieve balance with the rest of the world by making sure that the layout of your home attracts positive forces and energy. We have prepared a 5-minute feng shui trick for you, which will immediately attract good luck into your home and life.
One of the more sensitive topics in relationships and marriages is that which concerns ex-partners. These are conversations that are not easy. While on the one hand we want to leave the past behind us, on the other hand we still want to know and verify some information. Of course, this does not mean that you have to ask your partner about all, even the smallest details of his past.
Exercise and good physical condition are not a luxury, but a basic human need. The human body is made to move. When determining how good your physical condition is, 4 signs can help you.
A happy, healthy and long-lasting relationship is the kind of relationship we all dream of. However, in practice, it often happens that this desire does not come true, regardless of our efforts: we move away from our partner or we get the feeling that the problems we face in the relationship are no longer solvable. So we asked what the experts think: what action can ensure a happy relationship?
Doctors swear by these daily habits that boost your immune system and overall health and well-being.
A man does not determine your worth. Especially not one that doesn't stick around long enough to see your true self.
Most people are surprised when I say that my husband is my best friend, but it's the truth. He is by far the best friend I have ever had and I don't think any other person will ever be able to replace him.
What do toxic people do? Who are? Toxic people can't sustain long-term relationships, so they devalue and discard their victims.
How organized your inner world is and what kind of energy you emit affects every area of your life. Not only does it determine which people you will attract to you, but it also allows or prevents you from living a full life and deep, loving relationships. Therefore, it is important that your chakras are open and functioning as they should, especially the heart chakra. But what exactly is the heart chakra and how to open it?
How you spend your morning is crucial to how well you function the rest of the day. Those first few minutes define your day, and bad habits can make you waste valuable time. In this article, we reveal which bad habits you should remove from your morning routine.