
Your favorite food reveals what kind of lover you are

Photo: envato

Believe it or not, food reveals what kind of lover you are. So, think about what your favorite dish is and see what it says about you.

Find out what kind a lover you are. Love of certain foods. They can reveal a hidden side of your character and influence your love life.

Answer the given questions. Discover what the food you eat reveals about the kind of lover you are.

Questions - what kind of lover are you

1. What is food to you?
a) A need without which a person cannot live.
b) A source of great satisfaction.
c) An inexhaustible source of information about world cuisine.

2. Do you like chocolate?
a) Yes.
b) I enjoy eating chocolate because it is rich in magnesium.
c) I avoid chocolate because of weight gain.

Do you like chocolate? Photo: Mahdi Chaghari / Pexels

3. You are invited to dinner with friends who are considered excellent hosts. What comes to your mind first?
a) Great, I'll try some new dishes.
b) I hope they don't forget that I don't eat meat this time.
c) I have to watch what I eat, otherwise I will gain weight.

4. Which of the listed professions would you like to choose?
a) Dietician.
b) Journalist of the culinary section.
c) A pastry chef because I love cakes.

5. What is your favorite meal of the day?
a) Dinner, as I have enough time in the evening to enjoy preparing a tasty and healthy meal.
b) Lunch.
c) I like breakfast because it gives me energy.

6. How do you eat?
a) Slowly, because I like to enjoy all the flavors.
b) I am very picky and look at every bite from all sides.
c) I always eat quickly.

7. Is there a dish you don't even want to try?
a) Any carrot-based dish.
b) I despise kale.
c) I don't like dishes with onions.

Your favorite dessert? Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

8. What is your favorite dessert?
a) Since I have a big sweet tooth, I am not picky about sweets.
b) I prefer fruit cakes and salads.
c) I don't like sweets.

9. Whose kitchen do you like best?
a) Domestic.
b) China
c) Italian.

10. Your friends invited you to a restaurant. There are dishes on the menu that you have never tried before. How do you react in such a situation?
a) You are ready to try everything and order the same as your friends.
b) You politely decline their invitation.
c) You agree to go with them, but only order dishes you know.

Results - what a lover you are

Most answers below A: You are a romantic soul

You enjoy refined tastes and food and are very sociable. You like to have fun and enjoy life, including romance. However, you may not be as passionate in bed as you would like to be. You believe that a love relationship is important, but not the most important factor in a stable relationship. Instead, value tenderness, understanding and respect in a relationship. All this points to your romantic nature and desire for deep, intimate relationships.
What do you like to eat' Photo: Flo Dahm / Pexels

Most answers under B: You are very passionate

Your passion for food is just one manifestation of your intense and full life personality. You are extremely energetic, extroverted and spontaneous and always full of ideas for new ventures. You are very passionate in love relationships and are not afraid to express your feelings and desires. When winning a new partner, you are a true master of seduction and are ready to skip the stages that other people find necessary.

You are a sociable and cheerful person who has a strong sense of humor, which helps you to find new love partners. While you focus on living life to the fullest, food plays a lesser role in your life as it is only meant to make you healthy and full of energy.

Most answers below C: You are always rational

You choose food on a strictly scientific basis, so you are aware of what is healthy and what is not. You enjoy it not only because of the taste of food, but also because you realize that food affects your health and well-being. You are a person who knows what he wants and you are determined to achieve your goal, even in life and love. You may feel like you have everything under control, but sometimes you should relax a little and enjoy the moment.

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