Do you feel like you have to constantly work to achieve your dreams? Do you feel that you only deserve a break when you are on the verge of exhaustion?
Mercury retrograde, which returns at the end of November, usually brings with it a series of challenges, especially in the areas of communication, relationships and personal introspection. During this period, we can expect a greater number of misunderstandings, delays and unexpected trials, which will be significantly emphasized in some signs.
Why, despite a healthy diet and regular exercise, does the weight not fall as you would like? Do you feel like you're constantly hungry, even when you're eating enough calories? Maybe it's time to focus on the hunger hormone, as controlling it can help with better metabolism and weight loss without the yo-yo effect.
Are you biting your pen while talking or rushing to eat in a hurry? Small habits reveal more about you than you might want.
Do you ever wonder why some people pick up on your feelings so easily while others remain cold and unresponsive? Empathy!
Love. This word carries so many meanings, feelings and expectations that the very thought of it sometimes takes us to the world of dreams and hopes. It is often presented as perfect, flawless and eternal, as something that will fill us with a sense of completeness. However, true love is not perfect. And that's where her beauty lies.
Imagine a moment when you could look at the world without the constant hammer of judgment in your head. Without that immediate reaction: "He's rude, she's shallow, this is wrong, this is right." Krishnamurti once said that the ability to observe without judgment is the highest form of intelligence. But seriously – how many times have you really tried that? In a world where judgments are our daily meal, we've become addicted to opinions like caffeine: without them, it feels like we're missing a part of our identity. Is it really so?
Would you like to spend the winter without extra pounds and at the same time strengthen your immune system? What to eat in winter to prevent weight gain? The Nordic diet offers excellent solutions.
A bad relationship can change you in ways you might not even notice until you look inside and realize you've become someone you barely recognize.
Do you often find yourself biting your nails in moments of nervousness?
What awaits us in November? What influences will shape our lives and how will certain astrological signs cope with challenges?
Thanks friends! What do we do when the world around us begins to collapse? Who do we call when we feel lost, when despair creeps quietly into our minds? It is in these most difficult moments that the true value of friendship is revealed.