Never stay with a person who makes you feel uneasy, that feeling when you know something is not right. It seems to you that everything is perfect, but deep down, you know - it's not that. Trust your feelings and if they tell you that you feel safe, comfortable with a person, be with them.
Affirmations represent your dreams, desires and goals that you want to manifest. If you want to achieve what you have in mind, you can repeat some affirmations to yourself every day. Although manifestation techniques such as affirmations are not a magic wand that will fulfill all your desires, they are definitely worth a try.
We can all agree that growing up wouldn't have been nearly as interesting and beautiful if we hadn't spent it with our best friends. However, very good old friendships often break up in adulthood - maybe you moved, changed company, focused on your partner or family, or you and your friend simply drifted apart. This can be extremely painful, but it does not mean that you cannot rekindle the friendship. We have prepared 6 ways for you to do this.
Celtic - check what it says about your personality and life! The ancient people had their animal circle of 13 animal signs and 13 tree signs, which according to the lunar me describes the characteristics of an individual born in a certain period.
We all dream of that true, true love that happens when two soul mates meet, i.e. partners who are born for each other. However, our romantic fantasies and dreams often convince us that someone is the one for us, even though the reality is completely different. That is why it is necessary to look at a potential partner not only from a realistic angle, but also with the help of intuition - sometimes you know exactly what the situation is, you just don't want to admit it. We have prepared for you 8 qualities that you should pay attention to when looking for a soul mate.
If you are married or in a long-term relationship, do you and your partner kiss often? Kissing is much more important than you think.
It has long been known that nutrition plays a big role in our health. An abundance of unhealthy foods can lead to overweight and the diseases that often accompany it, while a lack of essential nutrients can cause various health problems. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to what we eat and not to believe every myth that circulates on the Internet. We have prepared for you a list of 5 myths about nutrition that you should not trust.
Are you smiling when you read this headline? Familiar situation? A question that is often asked in women's society and to which there is no satisfactory answer.
How to recognize such a man? Is your man cold towards you? Disappears for days? Is he ignoring you? Is your relationship very strained?
No matter how much you love to exercise, at some point your motivation drops. We all have those days when we don't want to get out of bed, when we have too many obligations and when the thought of exercising makes us feel bad. There is nothing wrong with that.
Have you ever caught sight of elderly couples walking hand in hand through the city streets, gazing lovingly at each other? Then you can feel hope, because it is these people who show that true, eternal love exists and that, despite many disappointments, you can experience it yourself. However, it is also necessary to put work into it and release the prisons that have prevented you from finding it until now. We have prepared for you 5 habits that you need to change if you want your next relationship to last forever.
Are you ready for the first 10 kilometers? For every beginner runner, this is the first real milestone - to run 10 kilometers. For experienced runners, this number is not a big burden, but for a beginner, this kind of distance can be a source of fear and respect.