
5 signs with which guardian angels warn you of danger

Photo: Envato

Many people witness the wonderful signals sent to us by our guardian angels. But since they are protecting us, they will certainly warn us of danger. When you notice any of the signs presented below, keep calm and wait for your plans to come true.

When you make a conscious decision work with your angels, they give you signs like numbers and pens to let you know you're on the right track. They offer subtle signs, hints and messages to show you the way and let you know they are with you. These signs are usually repetitive, without the usual coincidences, and are mostly unexpected. Guardian angels also give us signs of impending danger or they warn us when we need to pay more attention to what is happening around us.

These are five warning signs that your guardian angels communicate with you and warn you of danger:

1. You hear strange, disembodied voices

Everyone always says they want to hear the strong voice of their angels or guides telling them to move forward in some way, whether to do something or not. A loud, disembodied voice is mostly a warning sign that something is about to happen that you want to be aware of.

Photo: William Farlow Leva / Unsplash

2. Dreams or premonitions

One of the easiest ways for our guardian angels, to communicate with us, are ours a dream. We are usually more open to spirit messages when the human ego is asleep. Dreaming about an event before it has happened - such as a car accident or having a strong premonition that something "bad" is about to happen can be disturbing, if not scary. This is another common early warning sign from a guardian angel. Go "inside" and ask questions, seek clarification of feelings and then take action. The purpose of dreams and premonitions is to help you organize your thoughts and feelings and then decide what to do.

3. Unpleasant feeling in the stomach

It is located in this area of the body solar plexus. This energy center is highly attuned to the spiritual world and is often the area where warning signs come from. This the area is particularly sensitive and your guardian angels will send you a sense to let you know something is wrong. For example, if you feel sick every time you are around a certain person, this is a sign that something is wrong and you need to be aware of it and act accordingly (like avoiding that person). This can range from feeling sick to your stomach to feeling panicky.

Stop immediately and ask your “spiritual team” for additional protection. Ask your guardian angels to help you understand this feeling so that you can act on it and always be confident. Warnings like these should help you, not scare you.

4. Strange delays or mechanical failures

Unexplained mechanical breakdowns are one of the most common warning signs that guardian angels use they attract your attention. Interestingly, once you get on the road, a mechanical problem often magically disappears. A delayed bus or train, canceled flights and sudden bad weather are seemingly strange and irritating phenomena that can give the angels a strong warning. Don't let it upset you or ruin the rest of your day. Come to terms with these signs or events and find a deeper meaning. Think of them as opportunity, to take the time to improve things you wouldn't otherwise tackle.

Photo: Elia Pellergini / Unsplash

5. Sudden illness or ominous warnings from other people

Guardian angels they often use other people to warn you of potential dangers; whether they're friends and family or strangers, these messages have meaning that makes you stop and listen. Take this as a sign to look with different eyes. You don't always have to see a certain person that you may not feel good around, but know that there is a reason to stop and think about the bigger picture. Maybe a certain relationship is trying to tell you that you need to work on yourself. They are still here sudden health problems, which can also prevent us from going somewhere we shouldn't or doing something we shouldn't.

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