Although the famous Balkan psychic has been dead for two decades, her predictions continue to make international headlines. The blind Bulgarian woman has rather dark predictions for the year 2022. In particular, she seems to have predicted the extinction of those who did not adapt to the virus. We conclude that unvaccinated!
How often do you tell someone not to be so hard on themselves and then list all their good points, all they've achieved, all they can do and why you love and respect them? And this is not a consolation, this is the truth that someone who does not like himself cannot see as clearly as someone else.
The most comprehensive horoscope for the astrological sign Sagittarius for 2022 predicts a peaceful and successful year.
Couples argue, but when the fighting and yelling stops, tension can remain in the air. And even if you want to somehow solve the problem and make peace with your partner, you may still be angry. An argument can be difficult to iron out, but the long-term consequences of unresolved issues can be fatal to a relationship. The best way to resolve disagreements is to invest in better communication in the future.
No matter how hard you try, there's always someone who doesn't like you. Many people do not want to face the fact that sometimes the world is not fair and that their rosy image of life does not correspond to reality.
You will fight many battles in life. You will win some and realize that you paid too much to win. You will defeat people you don't want to hurt and make them losers!
You wonder why you didn't see and know this sooner. It's never too late. Get to know the weaknesses of the astrological signs and you may find the reason for the problems in the partnership.
Many people assume that the only real "proof" that a man loves you is the moment he gets down on one knee and proposes. But what if you're in the happiest of relationships and marriage isn't even on the horizon? Here are five reasons why he hasn't proposed to you yet.
This is the craziest ski video ever!
The most extensive horoscope for the astrological sign Scorpio in 2022 is very positive. Dear Scorpios, in 2022 everything will be exactly as it should be, as you wished. This will be your year!
What people should you cut out of your life before 2022 begins? Say goodbye to everyone who has hurt you or is limiting you! Remove from your life people who do not bring you a sense of peace! Release them to continue their journey somewhere else.
A sore throat is a common occurrence on cold days. The most common causes are colds, excessive strain on the vocal cords or the dry air we are exposed to in winter due to overheating. Instead of artificial preparations and medicines, we offer you several natural methods with which you can soothe a sore and inflamed throat in a healthy and easy way.