Did you know that sleep prolongs life and reduces appetite for 45%?
Do you jump into the shower first thing in the morning, then after your workout and take a long, hot shower again in the evening before going to bed? All of these can be harmful to your health, and below we will reveal why.
A cold shower in the morning is a popular habit, especially on days when it is most difficult for us to get up. Cold water immediately wakes up our body and pulls us out of our reverie into reality. But is this a healthy way to wake up? We found out what the experts think.
It is important to understand that feelings of restlessness are a normal part of life. Things don't always go the way you want them to. Somewhere along the way, there are obstacles that make you feel restless and unmotivated. Of course, it all depends on the cause of the restlessness, but there are some simple things you can do to start that will calm you down and get you motivated again.
You probably have cinnamon stored in a bottle at the far back of your spice cabinet. It's time to move it to the front of the shelf and enjoy all its health benefits. Cinnamon actually comes from the bark of trees! There is only one "true cinnamon", and it originates from Sri Lanka. It is called Ceylon cinnamon. Let's look at some great reasons to add cinnamon to your dishes.
Having a true friend is definitely one of the most beautiful and comforting things in life. However, friendships, like any other relationship, need to be worked on, worked towards, and avoid behaviors that could break it. But what is it that can destroy even such a strong friendship?
Sometimes you are toxic. Instead of blaming the people around you or the universe, sometimes you have to take responsibility for your own actions. You have to look in the mirror and realize that you haven't done your best lately, you haven't reached your full potential.
If you are deciding how to do a lot for your body in an easy way that will not take up too much of your time, cycling is an excellent choice. You can easily include it in your daily routine by riding a bicycle instead of getting into the car in the morning. Here are 10 reasons to choose cycling.
Envy is a thousand times worse than hunger because it is spiritual hunger. - Miguel de Unamuno
We all have those days when luck just doesn't seem to be on our side. We didn't succeed in what we set out to do, we found ourselves in unforeseen problems from which we don't see a way out, maybe we also had a fight with friends or a partner. If you're struggling with one of those days, stop and breathe. The whole picture is never dark and every problem can be solved. Read how you can get back on your feet in 4 steps.
When our relationship begins, we usually do not skimp on praise and nice words. But after a while we become overwhelmed with our daily responsibilities and rarely remember to let our partner know how much we love them. It's not like that - everyone likes to hear how appreciated and loved they are. Here are 20 message ideas to tell your partner just that.
Believe it or not, you create obstacles for yourself to achieve your goals. Throw them away! Let's look at the reasons written by the writer Paulo Coelho, why your life's dreams have not yet come true!